The Times from Munster, Indiana (2024)

by Victoria Photo MR. AND MRS. Clarence Schnelle, the former Miss Olga Reuhl, spent their honeymoon touring Illinois following their marriage at St. Paul's Lutheran Church on June 30. They are making their home at 1038 Hirsch Calumet City.

Miss Olga Reuhl Weds Clarence Schnelle June 30 Miss Olga Reuhl of 1042 Hirsch with Clarence Schnelle of St. Paul, mony at St. Paul's Lutheran Church Flowers graced the altar and and candles for the 7:30 p.m. rites, Otto Dreischert sang traditional nuptial selections. When she was given in marriage by her brother, Herman Reuhl, the bride was wearing a gown of Chantilly lace over nylon tulle, underlaid with satin.

The fitted lace bodice buttoned up the back to a pointed collar which softened into square neckline in front. The full length gown featured long sleeves, which tapered to points at the wrists. MISS Reuhl's full fingertip veil was secured to a pearl encrusted crown and she carried a bouquet of roses and carnations. Mrs. Albert Ruchl, niece of the bride, was matron of honor.

She WAS attired in a blue satin gown complemented a matching headpiece and a bouquet of pink and white carnations. a good place to shop HIGHLAND DEPT. STORE 2821 HIGHWAY AVE. HIGHLAND 1147 Air-Conditioned Calumet City exchanged vows during a candle-light cereon June 30, pews were marked with white ribbon read by the Rev. Robert Weis.

Mrs. littie Sharon Reuhl, the bride's great niece and flower girl. She wore a matching headpiece and carried a bouquet identical to that of the honor attendant. MR. SCHNELLE asked Albert Reuhl, the bride's nephew, to attend as best man at the double ring rites and ushers were Warren Dambrowksi and Edward Lawler.

The newlyweds received 50 guests at the bride's home before leaving on a trip through Illinois. They are residing at 1038 Hirsch Calumet City. Mr. Schnelle is employed as a police guard. Out of town guests at the wedding the Rev.

and Mrs. Albert Wagner, Mrs. Theresa Dambrowski Warren Dambrowski, all of Chicago. HOUSEHOLD HINT To save space in your refrigerator, not store foods in it that needn't be kept cold, such AS pickles jellies, Foods in heavy store cartons should wrappings not and be cardboard Let warm foods cool before refrigerating. In most refrigerators, it is best to cover all foods, except those which, like oranges, have their own cover or thick skin.

When foods are left uncovered, flavors may be transferred from one to another; moisture is lost from and may cause frost to form more quickly on the cooling. unit Color res hair color NOW! Believe it or not, can give you new natural permanent hair color PLUS new lanolin-given hair health and lustre! $350 Includes and Set Shampoo Lake County's Largest and Most Modern Beauty Culture School HOOSIER STATE BEAUTY COLLEGE 5435 Hohman Phone Shef. 1470 Rooms 8 and 9 Douglas Bldg. DRESSES--Junior, Misses' Half Sizes. 9 to 15, Misses' 10 to 20, half sizes 12 to Values to $19.95.

$700 $900 $1100 ORLON KNIT DRESSES. 5 only. Values to $39.95. Sizes 10 to 16. Special $2500 SPORTSWEAR, BLOUSES, HALTERS, SHORTS, T-SHIRTS.

Upwards $200 PURE SILK AND NYLON. Values to $7.98 $400 COTTON LINGERIE SPECIALLY PRICED SLIPS, HALF-SLIPS, GOWNS AND SHORT COATS HATS. White and pastel straw. Values up to $12.98. $200 $300 $5,00 WHITE GLOVES.

Values to $5.00 $200 SUMMER JEWELRY OFF SPECIAL! NYLON SLIPS, large size 40 to 46. Black or white $400 Angelyn SHOP 3512 RIDGE RD. PHONE LANSING 1062 A. L. Ervin Takes Bride In Church Miss Frieda Lee Phillips, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Phillips, Condit Hammond, exchanged voWs with Arthur Lee Ervin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ervin of Gary at the Gary First Nazarene Church on July 2. Rev.

Arthur Gould, assisted by Rev. Robert Ross, read Then the 8 p.m. rites before an altar graced with sprays of mixed flowers. Mrs. Gould, accompanied by Mrs.

Ross, sang "To My Bride" and "I Love You Given in marriage by her father, the bride was attired in a waltzlength gown with a full skirt of nylon tulle over satin. The satin bodice buttoned to a high, round collar of lace and lace mitts complemented the elbow length sleeves. MISS PHILLIPS' headpiece was fashioned of six rows of lily of the valley and net insertions and a fingertip veil fell from it. An orchid and white satin ribbon topped her white Bible. Miss Elaine Ringer, maid of honor and the bride's only attendant, wore a ballerina length costume of powder blue net over satin.

Her headpiece was a Juliet cap and she carried a colonial style bouquet. Best man at the double ring ceremony was Martin Shakbaz and church guests were seated by Chester Kemper, Floyd John, Andrew Fernandez, Jock Rose and Robert Robbins. A RECEPTION for 200 guests in the Whiting Community Center followed the ceremony. The newlyweds are making their home at 5227 W. 4th Gary.

Currently employed as an estimator for the United States Steel Mr. Ervin was graduated from Horace Mann High School and is attending Indiana University Gary Center. His wife is A11 alumna of Hammond High School. WSWS Hears Of Kentucky Missions Mrs. Allen Carlson used the topic Calls to Kentucky Highland Missions" when the Women's Society of World Service of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, Hammond, convened in the church parlors recently.

Mrs. Paul Anderson, president, opened the meeting and scripture were read by Mrs. Clarence Bertin. A program on the work being done at the Red Bird Mission in Kentucky, where Mrs. Carlson's parents are missionaries, was enjoyed by the group.

Mrs. Carlson also showed slides taken at the mission. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Ovy Asher and Mrs. Coy Thomas to conclude the evening's activities.

Marian Bolin's Engagement Told Mrs. Anna Bolin of 1101 Sibley Hammond, is announcing the engagement of her daughter, Marian Lucille, to Robert J. Dufresne, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Dufresne of Woonsocket, Young Mr.

Dufresne presently making his home in Chicago. Miss Bolin attended school in Indianapolis and is currently employed by then Anderson, Gary. Her fiance, of Woonsocket High School, works for the Paymaster Chicago. Wedding plans are indefinite. For Independence- S.

Bonds for the 'Heir' Minded COOL COTTON 2-Pc. DRESSES $329 to Also Maternity Bras, Panties, Slips WATCH FOR HIGHLAND'S DOLLAR DAY Barbara's Band Box 8612 KENNEDY HIGHLAND HOT WEATHER IS THE TIME TO THINK ABOUT NEXT WINTER HEATING NEEDS O'CONNOR FURNACE featuring LENNOX "AIR FLOW" the fines in heating O'Connor FURNACE CO. 6939 CALUMET AVE. SHEFFIELD 3871 THE HAMMOND TIMES All about WOMEN Thursday, July 15, 1954 Page 34 Wilcox Photo THE REV. HAROLD K.

JOYCE officiated when Miss June Arlene Brumley exchanged nuptial vows with James F. Hawk at the Hyde Park Methodist Church, Hammond, on July 3. The couple are making their home at 1121 May Hammond. of George Argus, Whiting, Takes Bride in West Beautifully decorated with large candles, the Holy Trinity Greek Utah, was the setting for the Paula Mantes, daughter of Mr. and to George G.

Argus, son of Mr. and senior Arguses observed 29th wedding anniversary on their son's wedding day. bride chose a gown of delustered white satin, the bodice fashioned with an empire waistline and embroidered with tiny seed pearls and brilliants. The enormous skirt of the gown was gathered in scalloped folds, each separated by a jeweled panel and five yard cathedral train cascading down from the shoulder. A crown of seed pearls and brilliants held a three tier nylon tulle! veil that covered the entire length of the train.

She carried a white Bible centered with three white orchids with sprigs of lilies of the valley cascading from shower ribbons. MRS. TED Speros of Salt Lake City was matron of honor, Miss Dorothy Dillard was maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Greggie Argus, sister of the groom; Joan Maniates of Denver, Miss. Mary Kouris of Salt and Miss Lake BesPapanikolas City and Miss Vicky Speros, a junior bridesmaid. All wore Grecian styled floor length ice blue nylon chiffon gowns with small.

shirred capes, blue slippers and carried white calla lilies. Pammie Paulos of Magna, Utah, and Estelle Speros of Salt Lake City, nieces of the bride, wore bouffant gowns like that worn by the bride. Eric G. Tangalos, a nephew of the groom, was ring bearer. JOHN E.

PAPANIKOLAS of Salt Lake City was best man. and ushers were Jim Anderson of Birmingham, Mickey Heflin of Lebanon, both fraternity brothers of the groom from Indiana University; George Mantes, brother bride, and Gus Paulos of Tooele. Pete Paulos and John Speros, nephews of the bride, were train bearers. A wedding dinner followed in the Hotel Utah and a reception was held later in the Starlight Gardens of the same hotel. The wedding cake was surrounded by hundreds of Hawaiian blossoms which were flown from Hawaii as a gift to the bride and groom from one of the groom's fraternity brothers now stationed with the Air Force in ea Hawaii.

The former Miss Mantes attend- baskets of white calla lilies and Orthodox Church of Salt Lake City, wedding recently of Miss Katherine Mrs. Ernest Mantes of Tooele, Utah, Mrs. Harry Argus of Whiting. The ed the University of Utah and is affiliated with the Delta Social fraternity. Mr.

a Delta, graduate of the School of Business from University and was affiliated Alpha Tau Omega Indiana, Social fraternity. ATTENDING the wedding from Whiting were the groom's parents, his three sisters, Mrs. George H. Tangalos, Miss Greggie and Mr. and Mrs.

George Kekos, and nephew Eric G. Tangalos. After honeymooning in California, the newlyweds were in Whiting briefly over the Memorial Day holidays on their way to Mr. Argus' army assignment at Ft. where they will reside temporarily.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry held open house for the couple that evening so that their many friends and relatives could meet their son and new daughterin-law. Texture Changes CHICAGO (INS)-Every housewife knows how to mix and match colors to break up the monotony of a room's decor. But consultants at the Marshall Field Co.

home planners service in Chicago say that few amateur decorators realize that different textures can do the same thing in a more subtle way. GENERALLY speaking, the same rule applies to textures as to color. Don't try more than three colors or three textures in a room. Drapery and upholstery materials, floor and wall coverings and lamp shades lend themselves particularly well to attractive texture that are velvety, shaggy, effects, and silken or nubby. TOBY'S Poultry and Delicatessen 3243 Ridge Rd.


Hawks Honeymoon In South Miss June Arlene became the bride of James Hawk Brumley, on July 3 at the Hyde Park Methodist Church, Hammond, in a gown she made herself. The Rev. Harold K. Joyce read the rites for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

W. W. Brumley, 1121 May Hammond, and the son of Mrs. Clara Hawk, 6142 Van Buren Hammond. Fashioned of lace over taffeta, the waltz length gown featured a strapless bodice concealed under a brief jacket with short sleeves and a Peter Pan collar.

The full skirt was styled with a scalloped hemline and short, white mitts complemented the ensemble. MISS BRUMLEY'S lace Juliet cap, which matched the gown, held an elbow length veil of illusion. Her cascade 1 bouquet was of white carnations centered with three large white daisies. A gown of lace similar to the bride's chosen by Miss pinch Ruth Kaprocki, the only attendant. She wore a small bonnet type headpiece and carried pink carnations, in a Hawk cascade asked his arrangement.

brother, Paul, to serve him as best man and the usher was Donald Buwa, the groom's brother-in-law. F. Derril Reed, organist, played traditional nuptial selections at the 4:30 p.m. rites, for which the church altar was graced with white gladioli and pink peonies. The bride was given in marriage by her father.

MR. AND. MRS. Hawk greeted 100 guests at the Pleasant View Dairy Hall following the double on a honeymoon trip South. They ring ceremony and before leaving pre are making their, home at 1121 May Apt.

Hammond, Both the bride and groom are former students at cational High School Technical, is a member of the Marine Corps Reserve. He is employed as a timekeeper at the General American Transportation, selected a pink suit with navy and white accessories for her going away ensemble, Fresh Eggs Can Be Frozen ITHACA, N.Y. (INS) -It's possible to freeze fresh eggs at home for later use, if you do it correctly. Food specialists at Cornell University have worked out some rules freezing eggs, not in the shells. but in containers which can hold just the right amount for your favorite recipes later on.

The Cornell specialists warn you to freeze only very fresh them to 32 degrees, about freezing point. Then, break each egg into a small dish, smell it to make sure there's no stale odor, and pour oneby-one into a mixing bowl. You can freeze whites and yolks together or separately. Neither the whites nor the mixtures of whites and yolks needs any pre-treatment. If you freeze egg yolks alone, you have to mix them lightly and treat them or they'll get lumpy during storage.

The treatment is simple. Just mix one or two tablespoons of lightcolored corn syrup or sugar with two cups of egg yolks. Or, you can I use a teaspoon of salt for each cup of yolks. Pack them in individual, air tight containers holding just enough for a particular recipe. Be sure to label the containers so when the time comes to adjust the recipe you use, for you'll want to know whether the eggs contain syrup, sugar, or salt.

Complete Line of Gifts For Every Occasion DIANA'S GIFTS 2807 Highway Highland Should Small Window Match a Large One? with the other colors. The rug might be a creamy beige. BB By ELIZABETH HILLYER A beautiful big window is 80 often forlornly echoed by a small one should the two be curtained alike? Mrs. J. A.

sketches her miss-mates and writes, "Our television set is best under the small window. Should there be floor length for it to match those window, draperies, or do you suggest all entirely different treatment?" Start to problem Mrs. by that the tackliathis curtaining of a window wall like this is more of a wall treatment than it is a window treatment. The treatment of the small window shouldn't attempt the importance of the big window wall. It might be entirely unlike it.

say a wood slat blind in a color to match the wall, or it might be a short and simple version of the same style. Where a television set is involved, the sketched treatment might be best because soft folds are more likely to benefit the sound from the set than 8 more severe styling. (Tomorrow New lamps for fall.) Mrs. E. S.

"I'd like to buy R. Provincial love seat, two fireside chairs, and a rug for a very small living room. The wallpaper is cream with rose colored scrolls. What color should the furniture and the rug be? The wallpaper provides enough emphatic pattern for the small room, and the furniture covers and the rugs should be plain. mesh Either the loveseat or the chairs might be quilted, to provide interest without competing with the walls.

The might be rose and the love shade of green chairs, or blue chosen carefully to go best LAMP SHADES RE-COVERED Free Pick Up and Delivery Wide Selection of Materials Fiber Glass Silk Shantung Brocades Bark Cloth Matelasse Call Richard! GILBERTSON'S LAMP AND SHADE CO. 621 Gostlin Street RUSSELL 5540 Mrs. J. P. "In an article about care of leather, said that leather must breathe stay in you.

good condition. This causes me to wonder if I'm wise in placing my handbags in plastic bags." If no air reaches the leather bags, harm is done not only to the leather, but, to bags. glues, course fabrics the plastic bags aren't completely airtight, but prolonged storage in 50 nearly airless a condition cannot be beneficial. (Protected 1954, John E. Dille Co.) Chile Con Carne For Luncheon Chili Con Carne with Luncheon Meat: Peel and slice 4 mediumsized onions and 2 sections garlic.

Saute until yellowed in 2 tablespoons butter or margarine. Add contents 1 (12 oz.) can luncheon meat cut in dice, them 1 (No. 2) can plain or stewed tomato, teaspoon Worcester shire sauce, teaspoon powdered mustard tablespoon chili powder. and simmer 20 minutes. Then add 1 (No.

2) can kidney beans; simmer rice." minutes longer. Serve on flaky LOOK FOR THIS TRADEMARK. IT'S YOUR GUARANTEE OF GREATER VALUE FOR EVERY PENNY YOU SPEND Business fo Local Rainie DRIRY Call GOLDEN GUERNSEY YSS, IN GOLDEN GUERNSEY YOU GET MORE FOOD VALUE MORE CAROTENE (Vitamin A) MORE SOLIDS NOT PAT 15.6% MORE PROTEIN One MIn at gives 48 at vast Daily A 190 of your Delly I of Energy Daily of your Daily All Business fo Local hairie DAIRY: CO ALLEALT CHICAGO July Clearance Women's and Children's Dresses Children's Sportswear off Cinderella Shop HIGHLAND, IND. HIGHLAND 1518 OPEN FRIDAY EVENING LYNN'S STORE CALUMET AVE. JULY Cool Filtered Comfortably with Air DRESS SALE Our stock of honestly lovely sleeveless dresses for girls.

Sanforized cottons that love to be washed. 3 to 14. Savings worth your trip to Lynn's. Cool and so feminine. 98 098 4A 2 for 4A 2 for $3.00 $5.00 5609-11 Calumet Ave.


The Times from Munster, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.