Sun Herald from Biloxi, Mississippi (2024)

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Biloxi, Mississippi

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The -Daily Herald Gulfport and Biloxi Mississippi Coast Friday Afternoon May 22 1991 Pass Christian Garden Club Has Flower Show Now And Then Theme Mrs Mississippi Contest To Be Held In Gulfport May 28 And 29 Lions Club At Mississippi City Has Installation Rev Lofton Will Speak At Long Beach HS Service The Rev Rex Lofton pastor of Long Beach Methodist Church will speak Sunday at the baccalaureate service of the Long Beach High School which will begin at pm in the school auditorium The invocation will be by the Rev Brister pastor of Long Beach Baptist Church and the benediction by the Rev John Shaughnessy of the St Thomas Catholic Church Announcement of the service was made today by Supt Thomas Reeves Commencement will be May 28 on the lawn of Gulf Park College Mrs Sonnie Williams announcer at WGCM will serve as official hostess for the event with Mr Reese contest chairman Other hostesses will be Mrs Haywood HiUyer and Mrs Emily Colbert The contests will include a cake baking event table setting good grooming and homemaking Each contestant is also required to bring to the contest a yeast bread dish an item dyed at home on menu ior the Individual family Each contestant must prepare air so a complete menu to be judged on nutritive value as well as other normal standards Events for the group Include an orientation meeting 'at 7:15 pm May 28 on the mezzanine floor of Hotel Markham In Gulfport followed by a welcome dinner at Friendship House Friday 8 am breakfast Hotel Markham 9:30 official welcome by Mayor Meadows Jr United Gas auditorium 10 am baking table setting hair styling contest 12:30 Pm luncheon Paradise Point Restaurant 2 pm continuance of contests at auditorium 4 pm recess while judges make decision on winner 6 pm co*cktail party Pass Christian by Mrs Haywood Hilly er 8 pm coronation dinner San Beach Steak Inn The following were winners in the horticultural division: Roses Mrs Ogden Borden D'Oiseau Mrs Borden gladioli Mrs deVries daylily Mrs Claude Schneider day lily Mrs Gaude Schneider collection six varieties Mrs Schneider gardenia Mrs1 Borden' Japanese holly Mrs deVries shrimp plant Miss Jane Northrop oleander Mrs de Vries petunia Mrs de Vries marigold Mrs George Morse other annuals Mrs Ogden Gerbera daisy Mrs Claude Schneider shasta daisy Mrs John hollyhock Mrs deVries other perennials Mrs house plants Miss Jane Northrop A special exhibit of plant materials from the wild flower garden was staged by Miss Jane Northrop Her display of berried plants Something for the Birds received a special award from the judge Another interesting entry was Japanese dish garden entered by the fourth grade of the Pass Christian Elementary School Hostesses served punch from two tea tables at the parish house Special guests at the flower show were ladles attending the convention of bankers at the Buena Vista Hotel BiloxL They were also guests at the ante-bellum home of Mr and Mrs Richard Hammett and in the Japanese Garden of Mrs Hecht 13 Boys Going To Boys State From Gulfport The Joe Graham Post 119 Gulfport American Legion will send IS boys to the American Legion Boys State in Jackson May 30 through June 6 James Short chairman Boys State program announced today This program is sponsored annually by the state-department of the American Legion and Is designed to teach high school juniors the obligations of a citizen by having them learn how state county and city governments are carried on by actually electing their own officials Mr Short stated Various officers are elected by students attending and these elected officials take over the State County and City offices for three days in the State capitol Bills are Introduced debated and passed in both houses of the legislature and mock court trials are held in the county court During Boys State the Coast students will be housed along with some 300 other boys from high schools throughout the state at the Hinds Junior College at Jackson Gulfport boys making the trip and their sponsors are: Robert Dobbs Elks Lodge 978 Jackie Miller and Louis Lyons Civitan Club James Crosland Joe Sal-loum Jri Gulfport Chamber of Commerce Gary Sinopoli Knights of Columbus David Charles McDaniels Xlwanis Club Robert Charles Galloway Junior Chamber ef Commerce Oliver Loyd Anderson Young Business Club James Haynes John Cuevas Lions Club Joe Perusse Jr Rotary Club and Melvin Ladner Pass Christian Pass Christian Rotary Club Coast Camera Club To Elect Officers Nominations for the annual of-fleers election will be accepted at meeting of the Mississippi Coast Camera Qub at 7:30 Mon in the Gulf National Bank in Gulfport There will be two presentations at the meeting These will be Revolution In Color Printing by Kodak and Flower Photography the Year Around by the Gulf States Council Color slides and black and white pictures will be accepted for judging at the meeting Six million television sets were produced In the United States In 1958 State finalists In the Mrs Mississippi Contest will meet In Gulfport May 28-29 for a series of events which will determine the representative to the national con test at Ft Lauderdale Fla on June 11-23 The contest Is being sponsored by Jim Reese of radio station WGCM Contestant! selected after careful screening are Mrs David Currie 20 51st St Gulfport Mrs Charles Hill Trace avenue Tupelo Mrs George Morse East Beach Pass Christian Mrs Donald Prentice Bay View street Bay St Louis and Mrs William Tucker Rt Grenada The finals will be held Friday May 29 Mrs Jerry Mathis of Gulfport Mrs Mississippi in 1958-59 will crown the new Mrs Mississippi She will also serve as a member of the judges panel with Mrs Romney George home economics instructor Biloxi High School and Gaston Hewes Gulfport attorney A special calendar of events has been arranged for the candidates who are also asked to bring their husbands as guests for the entertainment features The contestants will be judged primarily as homemakers and not in beauty or bathing events Pascagoulans Stranded Are Rescued By CG Four Pascagoulans who were stranded on Round Island were brought to Keesler AFB by Air Force helicopter o'clock this morning They were in a party of six in two out-boards who had been on an outing at Horn Island and were unable to complete the trip to the mainland They landed at Round Island around 5 pm Thursday because of water conditions that were too rough for the small craft to continue Flown to Keesler were Mr and Mrs Claude Bosarge Mrs Marshall Dickens and Mrs David George Mrs husband an Air Force lieutentant stationed at Moriarty and Mr George remained on Round Island with the boats and planned to come in today The Coast Guard was notified the group was overdue and an amphibian from the Air Detachment at Keesler initiated the search and requested helicopter assistance The aircraft crew saw a Engineers Chief Will Speak To Port Association Maj Gen Emerson Itschner chief of Army Engineers from Washington will be the principal speaker at the second annual meeting of the Rivers and Harbors Association of Mississippi Edward A Khayat president of the association said the meeting will be at the King Edward Hotel in Jackson on June 3 Khayat Leo Seal Jr Jacinto altar and Hermes Gautier are the directors from the Coast area ASSOCIATION AIMS The association Is an outgrowth of a meeting held in Vicksburg two years ago and has as its aim the uniting of all navigation and river Interests In Mississippi to work for improved waterways and harbors It is felt that increased water transportation would lure more Industry to the state and would be a big aid in developing the many resources that we already a v'e Khayat noted A complete program for the June 3 meeting will be announced later OFFICERS DIRECTORS Officers and members of the board of directors of the association are: Khayat president Pascagoula Carpenter vice President Natchez I Shelton treasurer Belzonl Sam co*ker chairman of board Yazoo City Richard Hastings Port Gib-J11'! Bridges Jackson McCool Greenville Leo Seal Jr Gulfport Jacinto Bal-tar Biloxi Richard Booth Aberdeen Hermes Gautier Pascagoula James Hooper Columbus? Whitehead Tupelo Henry Maddox Jackson Richard Pridgen Jackson and Emmltte Haloing Vicksburg Two Automobiles Receive Damage In Road Mishap Two automobiles were extensive-J? -alaifed whn collided on Highway 90 in front of Bryan Motel west of Biloxi at 10:30 pm Thursday the Mississippi Highway Patrol station in Gulfport reported today State Ptn Joe Price and Irvin Rippy said a car driven by Lou Ann Cook 21 Bryan Trailer Park Biloxi was making a left turn off Highway 90 When it was struck in the left side by a westbound car driven by John Mertz 24 5399 Student Squadron Keesler AFB Damage was estimated at 8450 to the left side of the Cook car at $300 to the light front of the Mertz auto -In another accident at 10:15 pm Thursday Archie A Lord 100 Hardy Court Gulfport escaped injury when his car struck and killed a cow on Highway 49 two miles north rt Saucier State Ptn Miller Jr and Vernon said Lord was traveling south when the cow ran In front rt his car Damage to the Lord car was estimated at $100 Low) Role Played By VA Chaplains Told Rotarians The Rev Saucier chaplain at the Biloxi Veterans Ad-misistration Center described the chaplain service as "rich and rewarding" in an address at the Gulfport Rotary Thursday at Hotel Markham Chaplain Saucier was speaklnj to the Rotarians on the Ron Chaplains In the Hospital Setting He is the only full-time chaplain assigned to the Biloxi center Chaplain Saucier has been with the VA 13 years since chaplains were made an lntergal part of the service on Aug 1 1946 Chaplain Saucier told the Rotarians thaw are approximately 250 full-time chaplains with the Veterans Administration He said the ratio of chaplains to patient is about 500 patients per ehplln In addition to full-time chaplains ha said there are numerous part-time and volunteer chaplains He noted the VA service is like any city when you deal with a cross section of any city you deal with various types of persons and temperament The speaker classified the work cf the chaplains In the hospitals into two categories: Direct work which Is the regular church program Including midweek services and indirect work where you assist the doctors nurses and others concerned with the sick Giaplain Saucier closed tor ex-tending an invitation to the Ro- ONE CAR IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD HAS THE SMOOTHEST RIDE THAT CAR IS CHEVROLET AND THE FACTS ARE HERE! A successful flower show Now and Then was held Tuesday afternoon by the Pass Christian Garden Club with Mrs George Morse serving as chairman The modem home of Mr and Mrs -G Waggoner on East Second street was the setting for the modem arrangements Winner of this division follow: Modem arrangements for coffee tables Mrs George Morse Mrs Morse consultant contemporary kitchen arrangement Mrs Schneider Mrs Ducros Stouse consultant arrangement of wild flowers for den Mrs A Dan trier Mrs Horace Folk consultant Ballymere the Rafferty home on East Beach was the setting for the colonial arrangements as follows: End table arrangements for living room Mrs Sam Jeffcoat Mrs Capehart consultant errangementa In colonial bedroom Mr Durrie Hardin Mrs Lamb consultant informal luncheon table on patio Mrs William Braun Mrs HH Illyer Jr consultant arrangement for mantel Mrs Doiseau Mrs Sidney Provence consultant Trinity Parish House was the setting for the following: Miniature arrangement by junior members Sharon Loker As you Like It Mrs Frank Embey Bay St Louis The horticultural exhibit in the parish house wa outstanding with the tri-color first award going to Mrs Gaude Schneider for her stapelia Pascagoula-Moss Point GROVER BRANDT FO Box 626 Pascagoula Ph SO 2-1418 TO REMODEL OLD BAND ROOM Virgil Gill superintendent of Fascagoula Municipal Separate School System announced the room formerly used in the high school for the band will be converted to other use The band moves into the new gymnasium in the fall Bids have been called to remodel the band room into a classroom ami quarters for the school counselors The bids will be opened on June 18 GUI said Proposals for the furnishings for the addition to the Junior High School are also being received TO BREWTON Miss Xna Thompson of Mo is Point went to Brewton Ala Wednesday to attend the funeral of relative On the return trip to Most Point Misa Thompson stopped in Bay Mlnette to visit with Mr and Mrs Rhodes Jr MARTINS RETURN Mr and Mrs Martin have returned from a Florida wedding rip They visited her son Monroe and Mrs Monroe at Melbourne Fla RETURNS TO PULPIT The Rev A Eugene Skelton pastor of First Baptist Church of Pascagoula will return Sunday to ils pulpit after a convalescence following a heart attack Buffered two months ago -Appropriately the subject of his sermon for the 11 service Sunday win be Give Me a New Heart The pastor announced that at the 45- service Sunday evening the minister of music will present all choirs in a choral service in com-meratios of Choir Recognition Day CENTRAL PTA INSTALLS Mrs VanDevender was re-installed as president of the South Elementary School PTA at a meeting Wednesday afternoon Other officers installed by Mrs George Harrison were Mrs Crawford Dees vice president Mrs Odom secretary and Mrs McCraney treasurer MISS REEVES HONORED The faculty of Pascagoula East-awn Elementary School honored lias Faye Reeves second grade teacher with a sunwise bridal shower In the school cafeteria Wednesday afternoon Miss Reeves becomes the bride of Harold Brown on May 30 at MiSS A skit based on wedding rehearsals was written and presented tor Mrs Minnie Douglas Miss Reeves was presented with corsage of sweetheart roses a china setting for four in her chosen design and a favorite recipe from each of her fellow pedagogs CLUB HONORS TEACHERS The Pascagoula Club honored their Teacher of the Year at a luncheon at the Club Center Thursday Honor guests were the Teacher of 1959 Mrs Annie Lee Painter and the president of the Pascagoula Classroom Association Mrs Nan Bounds and last year's Teachers of the Year Mrs Alice Olien and Charles Lippian Other guests were Mrs Mary Bandt and Mrs Springer Plano duets were played by Mes-dames Cynthia Bogdahn and Jane Lewis The tables were decorated with flowers of the season displayed in arrangements of yellow day lilies large white daisies and Queen lace sprays Following the luncheon newly elected officers were installed by Mrs George Castigliola of the Pascagoula Civic They were Mrs Charles Smith president Mrs Cedi McGee vice president Mrs Berry recording secretary lbs Flechas corresponding secretary Mrs Nolan Hatton treasurer Mrs Forest Megehee historian and Mrs Knight parliamentarian The retiring president Mrs Howard Smith presented the gavel to her successor and the new president then presided at a business session a The Mississippi Gty Lions Gub nstalled officers for the 1959-60 club year in ceremonies at the Friendship House Thursday night Deputy District Governor James A Shuhardt of Long Beach conducted the installation of the following officers: John Tomlinson president Matt Bankston first vice president Col Joseph St Martin second vice president Clark third vice president Medlin secretary Floyd McNair treasurer Frank Drunagel Lion tamer and Cassaday tail twister New members of the board of directors are Sander Cox Stringer and Stokes Retiring president Flynt Hall gave an annual report of the club accomplishments during his administration Notable among projects adopted during the past year was the policy of sponsoring a boy and a girl from the Mississippi Gty-Hands boro area to attend on alternate years Magnolia Boys State and Magnolia Girls State Other accomplishments Hall said were the annual edition of a Hospitality booklet and support of the Harrison County Youth Court through donations at Christmas to insure a Christmas present for each child under supervision of the court The club also sponsored a testimonial dinner for Major General John Sutherland Keesler AFB commander and his staff last July in conjunction with Mississippi Gty-Handsboro buisessmen Hall said the youth activitiy program was further enhanced tor the organization anc sponsorship of a Peewee footbal program for Mississippi Gty and Handsboro youth The program has been extended to Include baseball during the summer season A new record was set when II members were inducted at the dose of an annual membership campaign Following the report a business session was devoted mainly to a report from Cox convention chairman on plana for the state Lions convention at Edgewater Gulf Hotel on June 7-9 Cox said plans are complete ant Indications are the convention will be one of the largest to be held on the Coast Outgoing president Hall issue: a call to Lions clubs in the Coast area to make every effort to Insure attendance of all authorized delegates and to encourage as many members as possible to attend the annual convention Nineteen club members and two guests attended the lnsallation banquet Guests were Lt Frederick Swift Keesler AFB and Ted Cole member of the Niagra Falls Ont lions Gub tariana to visit the hospital at anytime and extended a special invitation to visit during the Memorial services on May 30 He was introduced to the luncheon group by Rotarlan Ray Butler 1958 Models Priced Very We Cannot Give Prices Phone UN 3-3942 Expert By Technicians On kirk A kkk kkickkkkkkkick AAA A A kirk WORLD FAMOUS FEDDERS MULTI -ROOM Achievement Awards Made To Sellers FFA Six members of the Sellers Vocational High School Future Farmers of America Chapter were presented achievement awards at the chapter's meeting Tuesday in the school agricultural building Martin chapter advisor presented awards as follows: Clinton Ladner chapter star farmer Lynn A Ladner farm electrification Glynn Stockstill farm safety Dudley Ladner farm mechanics Leon Lee soil and water management and Douglas Necaise dairy farming Members attending the meet voted to go deep sea fishing the last week of May The club voted in favor of the fishing trip after a suggestion by Wayne Necaise Leon Lee chapter president presided at the business session THREE EMPLOYES RECEIVE AWARDS Three employees of the Gulfport VA Hospital were presented individual letters of commendation plus cash awards for suggestions that were approved by the incentive awards committee of the VA Center Major A Hiller manager presented the awards and congratulated the three federal employees for their contribution to Improve operations or patient care Receiving the awards were Mrs Ruth Wilson Personnel Division Thomas Maloney Housekeeping Division and Mrs Doris Kitch Registrar Division The suggestion presented by Mrs Wilson will be forwarded to the Veterans Administration Washington for possible VA-wide application Dealer Ml Gulfport signal fire on Round Island and the helicopter landed there and took the four aboard All were reported In good condition Helicopter crew members were Capt Archie Taylor and Lt Thomas Lowe pilots and T-Sgt Jesse Springer medical technician Crew of the Coast Guard plane were: Lt Wohlgemuth pilot Lt Luther Knight Co-pilot A02 Johnson AES Hertz AT2 Travallee and AM Lusty MINOR DAMAGE IN TRAFFIC WRECK A collision between two southbound vehicles on 25th avenue In Gulfport today about 7:30 am resulted in minor property damage to one of the vehicles but caused no personal Injury Police said a 1949 Oldsmoblle driven by Sammie Lee Haskins 30 3018 Michigan Ave was halted for a traffic light near the Intersection of 25th street when a 1959 Chevrolet truck end trailer struck the rear of the halted automobile Officers identified the truck driver as Willie Addy 41 Rt 1 Box 62 Decatur Miss Minor damage was reported to the rear of the Oldsmoblle WHO- el-Cj '-'V1 GMAC TERMS Chevrolet Opel 4-1075 (Some THE SMOOTHNESS OF FULL COIL SUSPENSION You don't have to accept an old-fashioned horse-and-buggy ride Chevrolet brings you the cushioned smoothness of advanced Full Coil suspension It does away with harshness and squeak of outmoded leaf -puts a husky coil at all four wheels for flexibility and soft going The second place car still uses ordinary leaf springs in rear BODY BY FISHER There are other important reasons for Chevy's great ride Among them: the quietness and solid comfort of Body by Fisher Everything about it fits right quiet and rigid every smooth-going mile And remember Body by Fisher quality is exclusive to Chevy in Its field v- 1-B-SP FEDDIEIK2S does mot require costly 230-volt re-wiring Installation Our Own Crew of and Mechanics For Extra Savings Pay Cash In Crate And Install It Yourself THE LUXURY OF FEEL Only Chevrolet of all low-priced cars offers a solid car" feel This comes from wide track and longer wheelbase combined with the rigidity and i 1 i strength of exclusive Safety-Girder frame Chevy's feather-light Ball-Race steering and closely integrated body-and-frame construction add to control and stability Total result: Chevrolet is the easiest handling car in its field! WANT MORE PROOF WHY CHEVROLET OFFERS MORE? COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF AT Sorry But 14th Street The Phone! Gulfport LOW COST Friendly Buick Dial UN Your 2120 15th St The Egyptian Obelisk known as Needle" which stands In the middle rt Central Park in New Yosk City was presented by the Khedive rt Egypt In 1882 1.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.