Modesto News-Herald from Modesto, California (2024)

EVENING EDITION VOL. XXX Convicts Battle To Death In MODESTO. STANISLAUS CODNTY CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 15, 1929 Dana Is jji wu 'Southeast Europe Scene" (jiven Divorce 1 01 i i OnRumCharge- PIPMD PUT IN Of B1 eak Desolation As TWENTY PAGES OS AXOKl.KS. Fi'li.

13. (AV) Vlula Dana. M-rtvil actress. Reports Reveal Gains In Both Volume Of Business And Membership BONDED DEBT TO BE CLEARED UP BV JULY Gross Income Here And At lirin I Stccktcn Plant $4,886 819 VlCflM HELD INSANE During was Felons In Hand-To-Hand Encounter In Darkness Of Photographers ROOD-. One Drops Dead As Fellow Inmates Batter Down Barred Door The Milk Producers' Ajociation of Central California has concluded a year of material gain in volume of business and in membership, by July 1 of this year will have SACFiAMKNTO.

Feb. 13. 1 Paid in its bonded indebted- Earc hards apparently proved tft a wrc announced to- inorc jotent weapons than a at one of association's blade and a I'irce of broken glass! most en thus la? Mo nnnual member- in a battle staged this morning rceetinKs, held at the a i the dzrkneus of the photographers I 1 3 darkroom at Folsom Prison. uiislness'laf Io- One convict is dead and the other icatcd at Stockton a other a the piison hospital. Modesto, amounted to J4.SS5.S19, Mayor Sol P.

Ellas of Modesto announced in hfs address of welcome. Citd Milk received at the Modesto plant totaled 99.2i3.OS3 pounds, an increase of 12,000,000 pounds over 1927. Stockton plnnt n'so mndo a dfcided increase, handling 15.710,-1 pnundt of milk in 1P2R. of 4,000.000 pounds over Ellas revealed. Crear and nmou No.

40 Sails To-night a football ktar, on the assertion that husband uas "Into xl cat fur two und half uf tliivf of married life." arid f-'ljmi were married in 1923, und nc- rr testlflwl Uinj ilify separated last The actresH dlJ not H-qucst alimony, ttatlnr Ihut did not know Flynn uus 'Lefty- f'rnier London's A a a At Washington Announces Plan i To Initiate Ncw Move 1 KW YO Mihu Root, 81 years old lo-tlar. will sail for at I midnight un tho Kalian liner i Augustus ad unofficial wry United wck- i Worst Human Suffering In Yean Reported In Balkan Slates; Large Cities Isolated: Shortaec Of Fuel to 1 1 I I Largc Cities 11 1 Shortage Of Fuel And Footl Staggering Death Toll the World RETARDED TTIEX.VA. Kcb. MOW. ice and wind fcrnicd Southeastern Kuropc Into bleak desolation wit deaths final cold.

Ir.fluer.ia. pneumonia and btarvatlon. have Hans- ith of BY CRUISER MEASURE (Mother i Proposed Conference To Pro-! i i ceed On Assumption Of In- I In Bed And. crease Armada Turng WASHINGTON. Feb.

Sir Ksme Howard, the British am- bafsailor, announced to-tlav that Great lUitalu would Initiate ffforts to brln; FLIES 10 ESIA1E Tho dead and allowed Krcssor in the affray, strangely, here no Cursory examination nt prison hospital failed to show the cause of his death. Working Side By Side Henry Xracke, 38. prison photographer, was the dead man. The injured felon i', Doncld Martsch. Kricke'i According to the story told Warden Court Smith by Martsch, he and Krackc were working side by side In the dark loom when Krackc cried: you've doublccrosscd me for the last time:" Krackc rushed upon hint with a kitchen knife.

Martsch said. He grappled a broken mixing jar. Marsch said, and tried to gash him to death. While both were strupfillns on tho floor, convict employes at the print shop, which adjoins the dark room, broke in the barred door, i Krackc arose, walked Into the day-; light and fell dead. I Always Friendly Martsch said that he believed that Kracke has "blown his top," prison parlance for over his confinement.

He said they had always been friendly. Warden Smith gave it as his opinion to-day that Kracke drank a quantity of a poisonous chemical intrusted to the photographer's or difd of a heart attack brought on by the strenuous battle An Investigation will be held. Kracke, foimerly of San Fran- ctecQ, was serving a twelve-year fcrnv for robbery and road escape. was serving years to life for first degree burglary In Ixs Angeles. Stops At On Flight To' Washington a i i a i navnl between the principal naval pow-- of the I The a I I sage of the fifteen; cruiser construe- tion bill had re- 1 tarded British efforts toward further, i a a am- Ksir.o Howard bassador said, but now that the measure la enacted he held the ground was cleared for new discussions.

Any new parleys, he said, would certainly proceed on tiie assumption the recently cu- thnrlzcd cruisers would be built. "There would seem to bo every reason to believe that, now that th? EW YOKK. Feb. 13. U1-- (uoked her six Children Into bed for a tiiurnln? nap tonlay tinil (hen, when nil iislefp she turtifd on every cas In the apartment.

I'aios lo the apart- on the Hudson Riverfront, nt noun to find nil the children dead In nnd htsl linc dead oii the Stltrhrn I floor. Thr chlldn-n ranged In! from one to 13 years. 000. Bi amo' Stockton plant produced 070.741 poun-ls. Condenserv Active The evaporated milk department of thf association, dedicated Donovan, a Official, Chairman Of Conference Under Way At Santa Fc SANTA FE.

N. Feb. The Tri-State Colorado River Conference was still in executive session nt one o'clock this nfternoon. nnnouncement had been made of progress or the nature of busi- considered. Seated in the conference were Col- WiHiam J.

Donovan, chairman, teprcf-entinj; the United States; the interstate water comniiFsloneia of Arizona. California and Nevada, the i hi oe lower basin states seeking an undersinndinir. and representatives from Utah. New Mexico. Colorado and the four upper basin The executive sermon which opened at 10 o'clock was tha first business conference following com- j'lciion of the organization yestcr- afternoon.

The conferees apparently were so' involved in their business that they, on Mav 1 of last year, proved very successful, fipures announced hv Ellas indiented. A tcinl of f.760? cases of the cvnnorntM was manufnctnrcxi. and found TPBdy market in Los Anpclea and Francisro. alro nianufac- of Twwderft) skim milk during the vcar. nnr! nrcdnned 1.4| pounds of buttermilk powder.

As evident of the popularity, the of 47G new was announced. Tn ennouncinj; thr the association InrieMpdneii be paid bv July 1. J. C. Jenseri of Man- tect director and finance commit- te" cbairpian.

snld the debt is raw onlv This would htvc brer, uold already, he declared, but th? bondhoMers refusal, to'sell before the bonds become due. Jensen also recited show- Inp the financial ftandinR of the association, and told of tentative plans for Uie ohsen-ance of July 1. when the last Indebtedness will be paid, as an "independence day." with some apnropriate celebration In closing, he appealed to mem- bora to continue their loyalty, nnd to make every effort to bring other dairymen into the association. Welcome Voiced Mayor Ellas. In his addrers of welcome, said In part: have the pleasure of welcoming the membership of the Milk Producers' Association of Contra! California to Its annual meeting, in Modesto, nnd to again congratulate the organization upon its SAPELO ISLAND.

Feb. 15 Charles A. Lindbergh landed here from Miami at 11:25 A. M. to-day, to be the guest of Mr and Mrs.

Howard E. Coffin. It was announced that he would be taken on a pheasant hunt this afternoon 'and probably would spend the at the Coffin Island estate. He will confer while here with Clement M. Kcves.

pres idenl of the National Air Transport Corporation and of Pennsylva nia Hallroaci, and Coffin, who is chairman of the National Air Transport. Lindbergh said he expected, to take off come time to-morrow for Washington. He left Miami at 7:37 A. M. He was unaccompanied.

It was announced that Keyes probably would accompany him to Washington. WKDDIXG DATK GUl'SSED By CESFOKD F. FINK (United Press Staff Correspondent) MEXICO CITY. Feb. capital expects the wedding of Mies Anne Spencer Morrow and Col.

Charles A. Lindbergh to be hsld In May or June, probably in May. If Lindbergh ccrncs here at the end of this month to open the new Brownsville-Mexico City alr-raail route, as expected, it was belteveu the date would be set then. Lindbergh, it was assumed, would prefer Mexico City as the place for the wedding, since he has often expressed fondness for this country. where he first met his fiancee, and he probably would be able to get greater privncy here than In the United States.

Miss Morrow's wishes in the matter are known only lo herself. i Announcements a Here And At Bay By Various Leading Companies Announcement of discussion any proposal to renew conversations on this vital subject have been Interpreted in the United States of America, as an attempt to interfere with the pass- ape of the bill. By Its passage th? groun.l Is cleared, and any discus- and Genera! oil companies, slon that takes places will certainly A check of the other major oil proceed on iho assumption that company plants hero at noon failed Populous cities aro covered with heavy mantles of tnow. while rivers like the Danube arc fiorcn almost from one lo the other. all parts of the Balkans come rcpcr; ot human suffering frcm weather conditions In 260 years.

Fleeing in caravans from the snowbound city of Zagreb. Croatia, which has been cut fioni the rest of the world by huyc snows, forty gypics perished while the Statin Druva Rivtr. ol only are large cities like' Belgrade. Brun.i. Kratlslava and Ljubljana Isolated, but their populations arc kept indoors to escape the coM.

Livestock I Bird and animal life has suffered even more than human life. where throughout the Balkans the of hoises, cows and sheep have been seen in the snow, while 1 fie'dn and parks the snow is strewn with tho fonr-d of frozen pigeons, crows nnd other birds. Railroad service has been utterly demoralized and it Is feared that If the snow continues train service over parts of Europe may have to be abandoned for present or drosltcally curtailed. Hungary has been isolated from the rest of Europe, communications being possible only by Trains connecting the Near East with c*ntl- ncntal Europe have been unable to proceed beyond Vienna because of impussable barriers.

The Hungarian government to! day announced that if the snow continued It would soon be without licht and heat, there being a crave shorage of coal. Hungarian ant Austrian soldiers went to clear it (Hit per company i posted list price of gasoline here 5, nd icc flocking traffic en was made to-day by the Standard Buda Vienna railroad. the these ships will be The English election which will take place this Summer may. however, postpone any discussion of this for some months longer. U.

S. Favorable "The disarmament clause of the covenant of the league (article makes it practically imperative that all members of the league should make further efforts toward the restriction of armament. The United has hitherto shown itself favorable to tho Idea of continuing- for an agrve- ment In sense. It would, therefore, 5eem that evr-rythlriij points toward an early resumption of negotiations, and with far better understanding of the needs of the respective parties than existed at Geneva in 1927. there should a very good prospect of their being brought to a satisfactory conclusion." successful past year.

"The operation during pacers' tion. organized in 191V. taking over the Creamery in that year, and purchasing the Valley Cream- erv of Stockton in 1918. has shown the feasibility and the success of LOS The six men named iNewL. A.

Jury To Probe Getzoff Tale Of Keyes Corruption co-operative production completely. Kcb. 35. flT- id by Ben Getzoff At first doubtful of result, it has i as members of a widespread brio- demonstrated the utility of the co- e.ry ring which he charged was had forgotten the lunch hour. Chicago Policeman Wounds 3 Robbers CHICAGO.

Feb. 13. (AD--Two robbers and a negro chauffeur whose automobile they had com- were shot and wounded by a poliwrnr.n to-dsv In a trl fight after the libbers had help up a South Siilc grocery store. Policeman William Kattlerut commandedod another car as the men fled from the store. The rob- Jiera gave their as Robert Manning.

and Harry Meyer. 23. Manning was jhot in the head nnd seriously was shot in mm. Thf was shot the hand. operative Idea ns a sound element.

of productive business. The preeminent success and.growth of last year irotats unerringy to the fuel of its ability to make money for the producer. The growth cf membership and business of the list year Is. Indeed, marvelous and should bo a mutter of pride, not only to yourselves, but also to the City of Mo- dcato." 'Ktrrna! The mayor cited the chief figures 1 showing the association's activity in the past year. I A i i "The mere recital of these fig- Action Ut CCtCrai I he said.

th-? remark- I able success of the co-operative idea and practice an applied to pro- I duction and dictribution by the (Sec SUCCESSFUL. Page 2. CoJ. 1) WASHINGTON'. Feb.

15 headed by Asa Keyes. convicted former district attorney, nre being kept under constant surveillance and theie is not a chance of them leaving the city before they are indicted, Fitts, present prosecutor -aid to-day. The case Is being prepared for the incoming 1929 grand jury. Investigation of Gctxoffs revelations not having been completed in time before the grand to-day. Berlin Delegates Statement Before Committee On Reparations By WKBB MILLER Unitnl Frcss PARIS.

Feb. A practically complete statement of Germany's economic status the Dawcs plan was before the reparations conference when it adjourned late to-day. The German experts had presented their situation from till angles and their only remaining tnsk was lo tell the conference what they think Germany will be able to cay and how long It will take. This probably will bo presented Monday since there will be no srssJons tomorrow or Sunday. Germany's presentation thus far for presentation juiy which finishe: to disclose prico slashes by these concerns.

I come cases It was stated thfit no word cf reduction had been received and in another it was ealo no word would be given out in the absence of the manager. The 2-cent reduction announced here by the two oi! companies made the wholesale Hat price cf gasoline 16 cents. The other major companies quoted a 22-cent retail list price. Ajnnounccd Elsewhere Press diapatchfts from San Francisco reported a slash In the wholesale 1'st price hy the Texas, Standard. Assnciated and Shell Oil Companies.

In Los pres? dispatches iid the Texas Company and other large gasoline, distributors had declared a 2-cent cut, Ketollers Meet In an effort to reach a final settlement in the gasoline price- cutting war which has been In progress here since surly In January. a meeting of about forty retailers was held in the courthouse Thursday night A representative of (he Alamcda County Sen-Ice Station Operators' Association was present at the: meeting and explained the steps taken to end the recent gasoline war in the tastbay district. He Is I a member of the executive com-1 mittcc of the May Organize A copy of the of the or- ganziation was requested by the Modesto dealers at tho meeting, who said they planned to form a similar association here. Forma! organization of the local associa-. tion was delayed until the arrival here of a copy of the by-laws.

local dealers appointed executive committee comnosed members handling gasoline distributed by eight companies. Th( was wil attempt to effect a stabilized price and will call on nil the dealers In Modfsto, which number moie than sixty. It will also act as a grievance committee. The price of gasoline at noon to- Belgrade Suffers Belgrade, the capital of Jugo- slavia, has been one of the worst sufferers from the bitter Winter. 7he population Is threatened with shortage, not only of food nnd water, but ccal.

medicines clothing. The government to-day rationed bread, milk and coa! and declared a war on food profiteers who have boosted prices 100 per cent. Train Imprisoned The Prague-Bratislava express was imprisoned in a dark two mile tunnel, both ends of which were choken with snow. The passenxcra, despite somn panic, managed lo their way tnroiiKh, erccrglng in an exhausted and frozen condition. ZUIDKR 2EK FROZEN- AMSTERDAM, Holland.

Feb. 15. the first time in memory pedestrians to-day were able to walk across the frozen Zuldcr ZCA from Enkhlsen to the Island of Urk. The cold- spell Is continuing with undimlnished vigor throughout Holland. All the canals arc frozen over and motor oars arc able to cross the rivers without risk.

Polar Flier Lands In Chile On Way Home; Reveals Experiences TALCAHJANO. 1 Chile, Feb. Hubert Wllklns. noted explorer, who Js returning from his Antarctic sir expedition, arrived prohibition laws. Officers Accused In a Slaughter Chicago Prohibition Official Declares Policemen Shot Seven To Dsith" CITY-W1DEJANHUNT Insists Killings Were Retaliation For Stopping Of Pro- "tsction Money BULLETIN.

CHICAGO, Frb. 15. (JJl'J--A coroner's jury of millionaires nnd civic eaders spent five hours to-day lit fruitless attempt to solve tho Kan? massacre in n'hlch seven men were murdered yesterday In a North SIda garage. I At the end of a day In which the? hail questioned of tho I murdered men and visited tho scene, of the crime, the adjourned to meet again on Feb. 2S.

CHICAGO. Feb. 15 Fred D. Sllloway. assistant prohl- bitlon administrator, to-day advanced the theory th5i police officers themselves "killed the sever.

gangsters shot to death in' a North ide pane stronghold" yesterday, and declared that he believed tho names cf the actual slayers would be known before night. Commissioner of Police who hurried to the scene ot tho slaylngs yesterday, was quoted an saying: "This will be tho cnc! ot gang war In Chicspo. The police will fight it out to the death with the gunmen." He has ascribed most of the Rang hillings to tho here to-day from Deception Island. I The famous Australian explorer, wlio already has to his credit a brilliant flight across the north polar regions from Point Barrow. Alaska, to Dead Man's I a Spitzbcrgen.

told a correspondent for' the Aftoci- ntcd Press of iho difficulties a discoveries made on his Ant- Copt Wlildns arctic Alter stressing the of the metsrolog leal studies of the Antarctic regions Sir Herbert snld: i against a thousand natural obstacles, hardly I could arrange with my. companions a single place to land during one of the aerial trips of more than 300 when I might have made Interesting discoveries which would perhaps have an enormous influence In connection with the geogrraphy of those places. "For example, Graham Land, which figures on all maps as parts of the Antarctic continent, is only a series of Islands separated by canals and by- a strait, which I named 'Stefansson Strait' In honor of btefansson, one of the first explorers in enterprises of this char- nctcr. Killer a a Police Inspector Smiles While Mounting Gallows Feb. day in Modesto ranged from 18 to 22 cents a gallon.

has been purely in the realm of IT-p e-onomics. There have been no 1 lA 1 political gestures nor any questions i raised such as the Rhincland eva- cuatlon problem. Admits Assault On Girl Reserve Board Gets Council's Approval "vr 11 Adams. 29. ilias Ed Cono I OUtnS ace federal convict, faces the The advisory council of the" fcd- In cral reserve board In a statement III i (CMlav exress a a cf Ule (CMlav approval cf Ule Broke AH Records won't action of the federal reserve board in endeavoring to restrict the of fedprnl reserve credit for WASHINGTON.

35. W-January exports from the United announced to-day by the The" wounded" rcbbors said they commerce department as" TCSnan Killed As from Detroit. i 000 set a ncw record for the month FLAPPER A SAYS. since 1921. Thry were pa rtly brtlancrd Train Strikes "Auto VISALIA.

Feb. 33 M. imports of leaving an Smith, of Fresno, wa.1 killed and Import balance of trade for th- J. w. Martin, also of Fresno, was United States of S120.0CO.COO.

In perhaps fatally Injured when their January American eports truck was hit by northbound i January 1923 American exports truck" was hit SilO.420.000 and imports Southern white the Import balance about a quarter of "a mile south of Goshen ai 10: Prison For Holdups FRES.VO. Feb. lo. UD-Eddie Amerlan. Fred Markarlan a Kaig Moscslan.

all under 21. plead- Friday. FRESNO. Feb. 13.

Adams. 29. ilias Ed Conoy. paroled federal convict, fares the prospect sexual sterilization and lifo, imprisonment, penalties of made against him his confessing yesterday. the abduction and assault of Georgia Lamprfght, 16, ed guilty to-day to the holdup of a theater and a lunchroom hero during the Christmas holidays They will be sentenced to-morrow.

Five yean) to life In San Qucntin Prison the penalty. All three changed their pleas of not guilty to guilty on both holdup charges. About $900 was obtained when the Theater held up and I he Snvdci the highw Fresno. was the loot, of holdup on south of northbound A train her razls was S72.SCS.i»0. 10:10 this morning.

Transamerica To Pay 20 Million Dollar Dividend To Break Record WRIGHT FIELD. Feb. 15 --After rcmainln- aloft for (wo! The most serious charges against him were made In connection with the kidnaping and attempted assaulting of Dorothea Turner. 10. two lnys after tho Lamprfght abduction.

Adams denied any connection with the Turner case, despite positive identification bv the littli girl and her 6-ycar-old firoth- cr. Verrne. Meet Is Held At Fresno FHESXO. Kob. 15 highway AX FRANCISCO.

Feb. l.T--Tran^Amprienn privHfjje of anr! omshrtlf of TninvAmrricn poration for each share of Ilank Cor- Deration uill psv a quarterly of Una twenty million it was by the of directors to-dav. 'The dlvidentl will he represented hy the regular ravh filvldend of $1 jwr share per annnni for the period endlnc April and a In Moek for thi5 i the action of the board," quarter of one per cent. said (Jlannlnl. -since the result The directors declared this will materially increases the return.

equivalent to a quarterly ret cents per share at the present market. In addition th" stockholders of the ItanU of Anierie.1 in New York i he gffcrcd the Harrj- Johnpon. Field flyer, landed here at 1:00 to- dav. I lhat ncr is need of co- thit out of a dozen speeches, and talk.i at the fourth annual state, regional Johr.fon sttalnM an olimctcd i conference of the altitude of feet California Real Associatloa Trouble with the supercharge on MTC Pjtrrc, paid a with lils life on the gallows to-day at San Qucntin Prison for the murder of a year aga of Police Inspector Davis of Oakland. La Pierre ran up the thirteen stens to the callows and smiled sadlv.

As the cloth was placed over his head he to Warden Holohan. "Make It snappy. Warden." The trap was sprung at 10:05 and he was pronounced dead by prison physicians at 70:19 o'clock. La Pierre vras convicted as the man who fired the shot that killed Dsvis when the officer tried lo force his way into La Pierre's Oakland home to make an arrest. His wife.

Gabrlellc La Pierre, was in a cell scarcely 200 yards away from the gallows, where she is serving a ten-year term for corn- Dliclly In the murder nnd brother. Leo Arehnmbault, her sentenced to a life term for the 'ame crime. leaves Statement Just before the condemned man left his cell, ha handed Warden Holohan a number of notes. One of them read: "I desire that my heart ba removed from my remains and it be sent N. M.

Wheatley. 2311 Seventh Avenue. East Oakland. that he may upon the heart of man who through his cowardice (Wheatley) had caused the ignoblo death of a better man than hlroMlf "I desire also that the rope and noose which has strangled me be to the same man to remind Mm that a real man has for having offered his life In the pro- lection cf her whom he defiled I am Innocent of wilful murder. "EDGAU LA PIERRE." Numerous Islands "During the greater part of the year the extensive region is covered with snows which hai! given rise to belief among explorers nnd scientists that these lands were merely an extension of Ice fields.

This has been an error since I determined with precision during my aerial trip that they are numerous new Islands which I named 'Hcnrst Land' In honor of onu of the men who has done more than any one else to aid the expedition." The explorer who definitely de- cai facts about Graham Land which had been puzzling geographers for ages, said that the chief object of his expedition had been to study the geography and climate of the Antarctic regions. I'ralcn Comrade; Sir Herbert paid tribute to the work of hla chief aides, Lieut. Carl Ben Elelson and Joseph Grossas, pilots, and Orvllle Porter, mechan- e. Lieut Elelson was pilot for him also on his Arctic flight The explorer said that these men' had een Indlspenslbla coopcratora with him in hla labors. i Mexican Officials Close Nuns School MEXICO CITY, Feb.

35 The department of Interior has closed the Catholic school Jeanne Chezard here and evicted ten nuna Bionics Dry law Chief Russell said there were so many violators of the dry law that the resulting flow of: money for illicit liquor set tho gangsters eraiy for tainted money, even to slaying each other to garner tne lucre. Police Commissioner Russell and Deputy Commissioner. John Stego, In charge of the detective bureau, had left their offices to so to tho Inquest for the seven slain men at the time Sllloway made his announcement. Captain Jiuces Gleason, Stcgt'o -it- was redieiilous to- suppose police -were involved In the A visorei was picked up' In the garage, he saldi but ibwas.that of door- man. Policemen; he said, would never havo marched men out of tho garage with their hands over their unarmed, as witnesses described the exit of yesterday.

"Those men were gangsters, masquerading as officers," he declared, emphatically. "The only thing- Frank Guscnbcrg, who died In tho liospltal later, would say was that Lwo of the men were wearing uni-. forms so lhat has given the impression policemen were involved." Theory Major Sllloway expressed the belief that the killings were the direct outgrowth of a hijacking job here six weeks ago when 500 coses of whisky were token from -the. Momn gang by a west side liquor running outfit Major Silloway said he did' not believe the theft of the liquor by one faction from the other could have been carried out in broad daylight on K. well traveled boulevard without police assistance.

The Moran gang, ho said, apparently got-the eame Idea and cut off tribute that the prohlbl- officer said the gang had paid he police. Major Silloway he believed the killings were In retaliation for stopping the protection money and declared he expected to gain Information as to the actual killers during the day. Pollco Uniform? He some of the killers wore police uniforms, that an automobile resembling a police squad car with a gong on the aide was used by them and that the slayers evidently were well known to the Moran detailing the hijacking and lu'lt, MaJoJ saId Leaders of the Moran Rang told the police lhat they would no longer give them thsir regular for protection because of this Job. So the police probablv selected tho new method of murder In retaliation. The fact that a police squad car with a gon 3 on the side, which was seen by several' witnesses, togeth-r with 'the fact that those In the garage apparently recognized two of the mon in police, uniform and admitted them without question, substantiates my theory that they were policemen.

The murderers went to the garage -with the intention of getting charged witli leading a community Gusenberg brothers and Clark. life In the Convents are prohibited in the Mexican constitution. The mother Con- cepelon Soils, said that she and her nuns belonged to the Order of Use Incarnate Word. They were warned tliey would be punished If they violated the religious laws again. Herrin Mayor, 2 Police GuiltyOfRum Conspiracy the plane forcer! him to i after reaching 35.oj feet, reveml The announcements thousand feet under the present i the Mock made here late, to- altitude mark.

Lieutenant Johnson tiny hy I. Clannini. niffered no ill effects from the uf the corporation, i flight and plans to inake a new at- LOl IS )-- Mayor Marshall MeC "Our stockholders will have, ever)- reason to feel well pli-ased "The declaration of the special stork dividend for this quatrer is in line with Ih- liberal policy consistently of to our stock- CANAI. POINT. ycb Li- tempt a.i soon as repairs to the President-elect Hoover and the plane device are made.

i party of T-'lorida offici.ils hici on his furvcy of the tverslaclea fcod district about I-niic Okeechobee. arrived here TKAPPKB 1'KRISHES CRAIG. Colo, Feb. 15 Trudging or. from his home in the remote Douclas Mountain Ion.

Jlrhnrl Malone. hunter nnd Irar.p^r. peiijhcd a storm within thirtv of a e.ibin which i I I I til .1 holders as the earning Justify It. i he was unable lo locate. shortly bvfore noon today.

It took ihe motor parade of twenty ears nearly f.ur hours to cover this miles here from Ml. ami which was left at 5:30, clock this morning. Dieted of ronspir.iry to violate, the prohibition act In verdict relumed to-day in f. S. district court.

Tho mayor, uho headed Ibo city government during gang strife and rioting In Herrin, was accused of having been In collusion with the Charlie Ulrgcr jrane of run men in wholesale liquor traffic, ami to have kept the town "wide to bootleggers and aloon keener? 1 Judge Wltara gave the men eight days of grace in vrhlch fo return lo Herrin, resign from their cCflccs and close up their affairs. He set Feh.ras.ry 23 as the day for passing sentences. The maximum sentence which each may receive- Is (wo yean in prl-on nnd a $10,000 fine. Conviction of the Herrin city officials follow eil by less than a month the conviction on similar charges of Arllo O. Bnswell, former state's attorney of Williamson Countj-, in which Herrin Is located, and thre others.

Bos- weill was sent to prison for two years nnd former Coroner George Bell was given a one icar sen- I tcncc. Moran's brother-in-lKW. who accused the police of aiding tho hijacking Job. When they entered the garage and taw four other men there, they impulsively shot all present Jforan. Malor Sllloway said, il In Detroit, where he has been for two weeks.

He said he expected to obtain from another man. Henry Kinkelstein. desctibd by him as to brains of Moron's gang, the details that led up to the jhooiinff alcn; with the names of the slayers. InqiKs.1 1W.I The coroner's Jury with Bert 1.. Mssce.

manufacturer, as foreman, assembled at a police station and viewed the bodies, then went to the gamgc to view the scene of the executions. Upon their return to the police station. Dr. Herman Bundeson. coroner, ordered all curious persons to leave.

Dr. 3nn- dcson said that un autopsy revealed thai each one bora from twenty-five to thirty bullet wounds. Bill Would Deport Aliens With Guns WASHINGTON. Fob. 15.

OT-A proposal to deport aliens convicted of carrying concealed weapons was made to the house I an amendment to tic senate alien I deportation but.

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.