Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (2024)

Part 23: Day 11 - Gameplay

Day 11: Gameplay

Music: neutral 2
Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (1)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (2) New departments mean new staffing requirements. I take it you have an idea of what you would like to do, Manager?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (3) Keeping an experienced Agent on staff's worked well so far. Bishop can stay in Control Team as their head. We'll put Twee and Mr.Blond with them, they showed potential. ...We'll recommend D.A.D. to Yesod for a permanent captain position, and promote the others from Control to work with them. That leaves Mizu and Talow to go to Training, and we'll put Medea alongside them.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (4) A new agent, X?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (5) Well, it is called Training, isn't it? Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (6)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (7)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (8)

Our new wing's much less elaborate than the last two, and it shares an elevator with Information.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (9) Let's all do our best today!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (10)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (11) Oh, hey. Did Mizu leave already?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (12) Yeah, she said she was going off to work with the new scarecrow Abnormality.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (13) I'm quite impressed by her initiative!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (14) ...did you say 'scarecrow?'

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (15)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (16) You sure like Insight work a lot, don't you cutie?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (17)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (18) Boss, we've got a message from Talow?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (19) Talow? What's going on?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (20) We're about to have a problem. Evac the newbies and order everyone else to Training's main room, stat.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (21) What's going-

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (22) Got it, I'll send the orders.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (23) Bishop, the chain of command states-

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (24) I'm trusting my instincts! You two, stand by!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (25) Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (26) Sir!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (27) I'm writing you up for this later!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (28)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (29) ...that's unusual. Control Team's calling all agents to the Training main room.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (30) Probably just some training exercise. Let's move, people.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (31) Resplendent! Hahahaha!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (32) ...he always like this?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (33) You get used to it. Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (34)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (35)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (36) Just another cutie to add on to the pile~ Do a good job and make it worth-a my while~ Huh? Why's Bishop paging me to the main room? I was going there already.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (37)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (38) Okay, so everyone's here and the three new guys are hiding over in Information, right?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (39) Yeah. So what's this all about?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (40) It's my ass on the line if this is some drill, Talow.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (41) Hold on! Umm..!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (42) Music: First Trumpet
Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (43)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (44)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (45) That's what's going on. We have a problem.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (46) I thought he seemed really energetic!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (47) Wait… you know what this thing is, don't you?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (48) I'm… familiar with it.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (49)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (50) Its name is Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom, and if it's not stopped we're all dead.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (51) It's entered the Information Team's hallway. I'll put it on screen.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (52)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (53) Gamma16? They were going to help me with my reports later.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (54)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (55) I think you're about to be on your own.

The first rule of engaging Scarecrow is never to do it while there are Clerks around.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (56)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (57) What's it doing?! Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (58)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (59) When it's killed someone, it sucks their brain out through the eye sockets. That's how it feeds.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (60)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (61) Gamma16..! Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (62)

This is why. It'll kill the Clerks and heal itself, making fighting it pointless.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (63) That hallway leads straight to where the others are hiding. We have to move.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (64) Alright, let's beat the crap out of a scarecrow.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (65)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (66) You're gonna pay for that, you son of a haystack!!

The upside of sending everyone in the facility after it is that it can only hit one person at a time, meaning we can blitz it down relatively fast.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (67)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (68) It seems to like me!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (69) It wants your brain! Though I can't imagine why.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (70) Oh! I need that! Sorry, cutie, but you'll have to stop now.

After another few salvos of attacks, our facility has it taken care of.

Music: neutral 3
Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (71)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (72) ...yeah, I'm going on lunch.

Now that that's over, we get to work having people do their usual training. Mr.Black is on Instinct work with Laetitia, Tylana learns some Insight with Rudolta, and Twee works Repression with 1.76 MHz. As for the scarecrow…

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (73)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (74) That thing gets set off by agents with high Prudence, Mizu. This is why you can't just rush in and work everything right away.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (75) Ohh… Wait, but how did you know that?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (76) I'd recommend having an agent with a Prudence level of 2 or less do the work. That should prevent a repeat.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (77) Hey! Don't ignore me!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (78) If it requires low Prudence… Umm, Manager? Maybe if we send Medea in there?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (79) Let's give it a try.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (80)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (81) Umm… good scarecrow? Let me just tidy your room. I heard you like diplomas, so I'll hang a few here and there.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (82) It's not reacting as enthusiastically. This should be okay!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (83) ...X, what do you make of the situation?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (84) Couldn't say. All I know is we got out of a first trumpet situation without any casualties or escalation.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (85) What about-

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (86) Clerks don't count. We'll figure out the rest later, we're already behind schedule.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (87)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (88) See? We've only just now hit the first meltdown level, and… what's that? A Red Dawn?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (89) Crimson, Manager.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (90) Regardless, it's just a dawn. Keep working as normal.

Bishop works the mirror, and nothing much happens until the next meltdown level.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (91)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (92) Okay, let's take a closer look…

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (93)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (94) ...Of course it's creepy clowns. Why did I think there wouldn't be creepy clowns?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (95)

Crimson Dawn, AKA The Cheers for the Beginning, is a bit different from the other Dawn Ordeals we've seen so far. While Amber and Green focused on killing our Agents and Clerks, the Crimson Dawn focuses on our Abnormalities. Three spawn throughout the facility. Of them, two spawn close enough to Mizu and Bishop that they instantly stop living due to their low health and weakness to Black damage. The third one spawns in front of the Mirror's door.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (96)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (97) Hey, this is pretty easy! It's not fighting back or anything! Everyone, come on over!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (98)

By themselves, they're no real threat. A group of four Clerks managed to take off around 25% of its health by themselves.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (99)

This poof of smoke means that the Crimson Dawn's finished its work with the current Abnormality. This would take away the PE boxes we use to buy info/gear, as well as lower its QC by one, but tool Abnormalities have neither of those so… Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (100)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (101)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (102) That's it? That was ea-

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (103) It's gonna blow!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (104) What?!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (105)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (106) …the clerk lived through it.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (107) Yeah. I guess it wasn't a big deal after all.

In conclusion, Crimson Dawns: They're not a threat themselves, but make sure to keep them from letting out all your Abnormalities.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (108)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (109) Fiiinally, we're just about back on track… Wait. Why's that say 'Noon?'

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (110) Our sensors are detecting that Noon Ordeals are starting to awaken. It looks like you'll be seeing them from here on out.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (111) ...Manager?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (112) Presently, X appears to be banging his head against a wall. I will have to take a message.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (113)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (114) You must be new here.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (115) Started yesterday, actually.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (116) Word to the wise: if you're an employee, you're probably screwed. If you're a clerk, you're definitely screwed.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (117) What about you, Zeta21?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (118) Me? I'm going on break.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (119) Hey Medea, hold down the fort. I wanna see if this mask still looks as cool as I think it looks.

At this point I decide to throw Mizu at the mirror again, to see if she can get more Justice.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (120)

She does not, but this is still very helpful for what's coming.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (121) Music: First Trumpet
Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (122)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (123)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (124) Alright, Dawns haven't been so bad. Let's see what a Noon can do…

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (125) Sir, one of my clerks has just died!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (126)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (127) Make that two, sir! One attack each!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (128) ...hell.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (129)

Welcome to Green Noon, The Process of

chainsawing everyone's face in

Understanding. Their gun attacks are pretty easy to ignore. They come out quick, but 1 point of damage isn't a lot. The problem is their chainsaw. It hits nine times per attack, with the attacks coming very quickly and each hit dealing 1 or 2 damage. Alongside Amber Dawn, these are why we never go without decent Red resists in the early game. Green Noons will chew through our Agents like a hot chainsaw through butter, and they're a very rude awakening to anyone still using the base ZAYIN gear-since as HE class enemies they get a 1.2x modifier on all attacks against ZAYINs.

They are a formidable opponent for our facility right now, with only two saving graces. The first is that on occasion they just stop working and sit in a box, letting Agents hit them for several seconds. The second has to do with a coding error: In the code, Green Noon's attacks are told to pick an integer between 1-3 for the chainsaw, and 1-2 for the gun. However, due to a bug the RNG can never pick the highest number. Yep, these things were meant to be even deadlier!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (130)

One of them is in Training, of course, so I send Mizu and Talow to take care of it. With our facility specializing in White and Black offense and Red defense, we've stacked the deck as best we can-and luckily we engage while it's in recharge mode.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (131)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (132) Jeez that hurts!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (133)

It gets two more attacks in before the duo is able to down it, and as a result Talow loses half his health.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (134) I'll be using the regenerator for a while. See how the others are doing, Mizu.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (135) Roger.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (136)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (137) Engage, everyone!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (138) Are you sure? Your suit's-

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (139) I'll be fine, get it!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (140)

Two attacks later I sound the retreat-ducking out of a losing battle fast is just as important as pressing a winning one. Delta17 is unceremoniously killed by chainsaw about 2 seconds later.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (141) Requesting assistance! We got one dinged up but had to pull back. Anyone there?!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (142) Okee-dokie, I'll head over!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (143)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (144) Hey, this one isn't dinged up at all!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (145) Why are you in Control?! That one hasn't been harmed yet!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (146) I heard a cutie walking around! Just give me a sec, I'll take care of it!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (147)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (148) Mizu, fall back! That thing's a HE-level threat, you can't handle it alone!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (149) Mmm… nah!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (150)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (151) Cutie's a pile of scrap. Searching for the last target now~

So Mizu can apparently solo these things already. Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (152) It cost her ~half her HP and we engaged it from the maximum possible distance… but Laetitia's gear is really powerful.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (153)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (154) No need. I can hear it from here.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (155) Just give the order, sir, and we'll fight it.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (156) I'm sure we can win!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (157) ...No. You two don't have the strength or the gear to hold it off for more than a couple seconds. Run over to Training. Worst case, Talow will make sure you're okay.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (158) And what about you, boss?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (159)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (160) I'm going to make sure he doesn't have to.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (161)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (162) Relax, and attack. Just like the old days.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (163)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (164) Bishop, you're taking heavy fire. Fall back and wait for backup!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (165) Can't risk the camera cables getting cut again!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (166)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (167) That's the last step you're taking.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (168)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (169) ...Situation's all clear. Team, you're clear to return anytime. Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (170)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (171) Not bad... I guess that's why he's the captain, huh?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (172) Manager, the situation is clear. We're only awaiting final orders to end the day.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (173) Of course.

Music: neutral 1
Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (174)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (175) So… how DID you know what the scarecrow was going to do?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (176) Would you believe I saw it on an Enkephalin high?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (177) No.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (178) I would! You see all SORTS of stuff.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (179) Well, sorry, but that's all the answer I've got for you.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (180) Hey, everyone? Umm… It's time to end the workday. Please get everything put away safely!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (181)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (182) Good job today, everyone!

Medea's Prudence is worth extra attention today, it's grown to 10. This is because the stat totals only show two digits. It's actually short for 100, the maximum possible amount. Scarecrow is very good at raising Prudence.

Music: never frozen bottom flows
Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (183)

O-03-60: You see a song in front of you. It's approaching, becoming more colorful by the second.
O-02-56: People have been committing sins since long ago. "Why do they commit sins, knowing it's wrong?"
F-02-44: However, the curse continues eternally, never broken.

Nothing but TETHs we've already talked about today. As a reminder, -60 is a decent super early game Attachment trainer and can breach, -44 is our stalker and literally just a worse, less convenient 1.76 MHz, and -56 is a the one which I agonized over taking on day 1 because I needed it to do things later but it was terrible for training stats.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (184)

The choice is not hard.

Next time, on Lobotomy Corporation: We officially meet Hod.

New Guidelines

Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom

New Gear

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (185)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (186)
Requirements: Prudence 2

New Story

Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (187)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (188) Huh. Thing's dead and it's still giving off sparks like crazy.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (189)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (190) ...yeah, I'm clocking out.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #23 - Day 11 (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.