Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)


0.r',e T. Ucrv, Mr. arts Mr. Vi Uctiwu'tt. Mi 4k IHU 1 tj Kd l-a.

T. arrived i W- S. W. M. Lr Jav en th Lwtt item hn ftncicv C.

Mr. -d M-. J. Os Last Arrival or Session advertising staff of tm, returned from a seven weeks vis.t on the main- land, lit touched every principal Brief Banter By Youthful Sage of Waikiki By VAIKIKI VVILI.IE (Waikiki Willie see all, brant all, tflU part of it.) kane Dick Rand went down to Wilmington harbor one night to A tr. ire.

J. ram eefricK jr. OX PLEASURE VISIT The Mats.m lir.r.e it rVr 11 frwn Age? at 9 It doctor to arrive for the Pan- Pacific Surgical congress is Dr. Carle Levi of Los Ar.reles Hcner A. Ad and Mr.

Henry L. Mt Mary Awf. is. Mr. Aifce Attn.

Mr. I Mr. Leon A. At owd E. Austin.

Dotd Abbot'. Mrs. H. T. city and visited i both the San i a i co and I "U8in arrived on a pleasure visit and his i mctrrt.riK pr gs ti will a.l Friday r.oen 1 The army tra-: Tt RcrubUv drartcd frcni -r 9 th: r.tva -r Sn tf.

1 from the coast. He was accom- 12' 1 York fairs, 5 "I visited man Francisco. Trie amved last 1 WW. M-s Jen 1t(, Mi Ctnc Mis Mrfr(ft I a J. Mjv rrl I.

P.e.t- Asr. Cha-je Af.n L. le Margaret t-rf Mi Le. '-e Mav. C-aee Marine tr, Ci-rse T.

Kvtii-n Ntr. HfVr McAvpv, Tiu! M' Arry Se'i by las wife. rce on two wamne inencs. I'm rir! ir. wciier wii foeaK on cancr I I Mi- Va A Mr.

Aiex- a Mr Mrs. O. N. A Rrv. 4 and Mr.

E. McP. Ame. Mim Dnrotcy i i' AnderiMtte. Cm Ardfron.

C- Andr-r-on, Xta-'T Nor r.ar A'i3eron. lAiofia Ulnes rrom tr.e rn r( to arrive FRIDAY FVlMNt; The Pres.dcr.t P.vce i irnvf hen It rn Yk'k5-j a -id 'o t. fr Frnc.A. The ClrvrU-1 r- metropolitan newspapers and saw some of the world biggest presses rolling at top speed." Mr. I' pries, as Is Dick, and a happy tend- th0 ssion of the con- 1 i 1 a in ''1 off was natural oniht.

He professor of tseejre. df for the old Mat- 1 surgery at university, jvitt is South-Vi A sonia. Urn California The fare thee imar.accr for the I ern a 1 i r.ia imar.accr for the Oor2 Mi1- Mary An. rf, Ha-bara R. Andrew Mr-.

R. A. Avrist. Mtrr By RICHARD WEINBERG Rowland A. Jr.

Mr. Chong Chong said. He I Golden Gate In 8 -r v- i Mcrree. Mr. Roy E.

McKfman. Ed- mo-id W. A. McMffflfn, Mr. Mr.

Oarles A McWavne. 5r. HaTirt M. Mr. ad Mrs.

TranK E. Msd- kiff. r-ve from Sui Frrnsco ber I was on a strictly pleasure trip. has deserted r.e." 'My crew and will Scptcrr.b, 1 laughed Mrs. Hanr.cr.

-Kemi ternational expo- sition and mania ger of the i STUDIED BUSINESS Joseph Fette of Honolulu re- and Henry, my two kvys well party was so gr.od Dick thought it would be a good idea if he also sailed to Ho- nolulu. So here he is. As for his gear, I Grce Ear.dv. Mr. and Mrs.

Claries C. Ear.kbfad Ji- Ma-rr Cnar'e II. Barrhead. Vera Ba. Mrs.

Jnhn D. Fra'-kie N. Bennett, Mr. and Mr. and Mr.

E. A EsCfio. Jeanne Bisett. Miss Betsy Eli. C.

A. I Blum, Mr. and Mrs. PU C. Bode, Mr.

i ran away a ag- TuckLiv. I Charles R. Stuart Mi P.f'tv Jack B. Mrs. M.ir.

Cieerte H. R. Miller. Roiand U. Mort).

Harold P. Moore, Mr. Cviv P. Muure. Mr.

aid Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mr. I. j.

Muir knew it would har ptn." SHIPPING CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, StPTtWEER t3 dvc agency turned after spending a year on the mainland studying the flour and feed business at a ..1. She sat in the cabin ef her yacht Valkyrie, which was nKc-rrd Pier 14. The music frcm the rmk boomed cur ears to loud we SMiPS TO COASt of Los Angeles. He was met off port by Carl Zaehris- Mr. Levitt son of the N.

W. Ayer Son advertising agency office in the plants and of-i ices of the perry Flour Co, western t-urhne 4, the clipper col- lected and dellv- I ered it to his ho- tel before they even knew there anu pus. E. MarpRv. EiVort Mu-i.

ICftp B.vd. Bihop Hash C. Boyle. Ed- jrt David MacKenne Mr. ward M.

BrK.k. Helma Husther. Crace B. Lt Frank A. Butterfcela MacMtilan.

Mrs. Mary Madera. Mrs. i Mrs. Etta Babcuck.

John B. Bank- A I had to shout at each other. ert. 11 Sr Jf prsKtrrt pietc -Martpots Kamikun Mini Matsncta n.i'it ct A1 W. WIIHe t.t! ATI PlTrK.it division of General Mills, Inc.

He was met off port by his father C. E. Fette. local man- M. Beard.

Mrs. Ljverr.e F.enren, H. C. Martin. A.

Marun- Mrs finest by the name of Rand. Dr. Wolfer Mrs. "Wolfer i George Brandt. ilrs.

Winifred K. WALTIIAM WATCH MAN Mr. and Mrs. A. A.

Colvin of San srn. I ranK w. Mnul, Haincia i ater. -s Ikrr.See Hrivandi. The wahine friends of Galloping president of the Chicago Surgical Claire McA.isttr.

Mi. Atthur A. Mc- tis Barbara Bromilo'. Mrs. L.

T. MfUi't, Mis Uiv- society, attending surgeon at Pas- Francisco arrived for their first visit 'ger fur the firm iJick are Uorclhy Spreckels and Ksy Van Wort. Dorothy is the Ships frcm coast Mattort'a fert CfNr'ard f-T'. i Tsi'a Mita Oct. 1 That makw me to crazy.

I she said. "From 2 in the afterno-m (until 11 at niiht it keeps My head is splitting She lit a rijarrt. retarded the skj light and ontinurti. "I cues I it was iiartly my fault that the hoys lett. At noun a week ago Monday, they disappeared.

About midntglit they came bark. Lj-ry I were Mrtl drunk as in the islands. They will stay nine 1 Following his stu- savant Memorial hospital and chairman of the cancer committee of the Illinois State Medical society. i dies on tne ic coast, Mr. Fette daughter of Mrs.

Claus Spreckels. man Fred Mahnney came home last I I .4 rivwn. iiii it.1 uuinrn. Mis Rehekah Cai.l'vpi'.. Mrs.

Guv N. CaitraH. Mr. A'kii S. Mrs.

EuvHa Ct.unrii!!. Mr. tnd Mr, A. A. Colin, T.

E. Corpivn. J. R. Cux, Huiia P.

Lionel P. Camara, Mrs. Ca-' ix Mis Ernestine Cartel. Mrs. SHIPS TO ORttNT taru Oct.

1 I'e was in Honolulu lat Mav and made a tour of the country, ing both fairs and Mr. Fette seeing America SHIPS FROM CWIE.ST Frns'! Kamakura Varu srt T9 Lrr.rre cf Aia Lutti.r.:: co'na Mrs. C'. C. Mrmhew.

Mis E-tn-i Mater liaam (ifii! if Mtflt-Tt. CJipt. Sii't Mrs. leey O. Mxikiiii.

M.i.iei V'Uiam Mimkmi, Mrs. II. A. Moultun. Mi-s Chirioile -ioul'On.

Mi-s Bciina Mueller. Paul E. NeiHen Mr. and Mr. John M.

NiC'Kolaus. Mi-s Norma Nichols, Mrs. B. F. Nov.

Mi Velma NXNtin. Rivnond No-aKa, Charles K. Nosaka, Mis Eleanor Nunes. Eric Oelze. H.

Mis Marie Os. first. He will become associated i Beatrice Castle. Henry Chmt. Mi.s wcck ancr oeing away lor several will stay here 16 davs as the houe v-eeks.

guest of Dr. F. J. Halford of Hono- Tlie same may be said of Marvis lulu. Howell who also took a quickie trip v-V- vao- to the coast.

SAW NEW 10RK mm I Mr. and Mrs. Manuel R. Pereira After being away for over a year I returned after two months on the I with his father here in Honolulu SHIPS TO ANTt0CS ii'i'i Vt. 4 Oct, II Jacqueiyn tnong, Mrs.

Mm r-ins r.onc, Ntrs. Jerrv Cbong. Kenneth Chors. Miss Roe Chu, Miss Ella Jeanne Clark. Robert E.

Collirs. Eider Xn W. Con-over. Mr. Marie Cotton, Mis Shirley Cowan, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Cowan, Miss Mavis Cowan. Miss Jean Cowan. Vincent H. Coimas, Frederick MUier Crockett, Mrss Jeanne Crozier, Miss came nnme the other day.

Among those who served with this I CHEMIST ARRIVES Henry Alves, chief chemist of the U. S. customs service at San Francisco, arrived to prepare for the opening of a branch customs laboratory in Honolulu. An as- 1 Mr. and Mrs.

Jarfc C. Connor. squadron (which first saw the light day in Hawaii) were John Riggs. Frank Raysbrook and Joe Toth. i Doris M.

Culverwell. Lally Osorto, Mrs. Frances G. Oweni. SHlF-S FROM ANTIPODES Marioooia sect.

TI Moim-tey Oct. 15 ARRIVALS Eur! me. 9 a. m. Manukal.

Kahului, 6 a. in. Davis, frs. d. Mrs.

B. A. Davis. Master Austin D. S.

Davt i Mr. and Mrs. Da Parker. Mi-s He couldn't resist it and neither Mr. Colvin Mrs.

Colvin days. Mr. Colvin is the Pacific coast sales manager fo rthe Wal-tham Watch Co. "Wre are on a combined business and pleasure trip," Mr. Colvin said.

i DEPARTURES RepuMlc, Sa- Francisco. ri'on. Could she so here they are! In this corner, or should I say on those two stools Spencer Weaver and his bride, the former Sara Clark. It all blossomed in Honolulu K. B.

Dawson, Miss Edvthe Margaret E. Parry. Mrs. Darrel Pea-Mr. and Mr.

Walt Disney. Diane co*ck. Master Edward Peacork. Miss Disney, Mr. and Mr.

Roy O. Dinev, i Marge Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Master Rov Edward Disney.

Mrs. W. A. Polle. Albert J.

Purdue, Miss Janet Dobert, Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Dotv. M.

Purdue. Gorge D. Doty, Miss Eliiabeth Dowler, Mr. Fern Papworth. tbe Hev.

Ed-Master Orv-ille Dowler Mr. and Mrs. ward M. Pennell Mi-s Cynthia Pen-Georee A. Dudley.

Mr and "Mr An-1 reil. Edward M. Pennell HI, Mr. and thony Drexel Duke, Miss Mary Dunn, Mrs. Manuel Pereira.

Mrs. Mildred Mrs. Dunn Dutton. Peterman. Mis Helen Peterman.

Mi Frank Donahue. Miss Belle Donovan Cecelia Peterson. Mrs. L. E.

Phillip. Mrs. William Dott. Miss Dolores Jean Miss Pauline Pinion. TRANSPORT 5CHEDULI ARRIVAL tronard Wood.

San 1 Cct. I. when Sara was here for several months about two years ago. Spen- i cer is now out of the navy, in which he formerly served as an aviation FROM TACIFIC COAST Mrs. Ruth Alexander, newly appointed special representative in Hawaii for Peggy Sage, returned from two DEPART PES Leor.aid Uovd.

San Oct. tailors had to be hoisted aboard. "'One of them kept on an arcTdion. I told him to cut it out and ko below or I throw the thing in the harbor. He said.

'All right. I to. The next morning at 6 we heard dishes rattling and we rolled ever and went to sleep. About 8 F.nc. my husband, got up and found tra had packed their clothes and gone.

The immigration people wont do anything because they say sailors are allowed 63 days ashore. P.ut I want to sail in th meantime and if I leave the Tahitians here I mav be liable for a $1,000 fine. The li-'t time I was here the immigration people didn't even wart let my Tahitian crew go ashore. Now they say they can stay 60 days ahorc. What do vott make of it?" The Tahitian are French cltl-tens," I replied.

They're taken French leave. Footsteps sounded on deck and Capt. Hanner entered the cabin. His pockets were filled with screws and metal fittings. He proudly displayed a new electric soldering iron.

The Valkyrie is the best news source on the waterfront. Ikr crew is a "League of Nations." Capt. Hanner is German. Mrs. Hanner is a Canadian citizen by marriage but was born an American.

The crew-are Tahitians. hence French citizen. And the boat i Canadian although built in New Zealand and Pereira Pereira Building Permits I Dott. Miss Mary K. Doyle.

Miss Kath- jleen Dukette. Mrs rjori Rader. Monsignor Michael Mr. and Mrs. Turcnce B.

Ellert. Miss 1 J- Ready. Mrs. R. Renolds.

Enstan cadet, which was later changed to mainland. They traveled to New the rank of ensign. York and back. He" is superin- tendent of the job printing depart- Glimpsed at the Young roof ment and book bindery of The Star-f atdee nite were Jess Cristy. Ma- Bulletin.

rion Franson. Mildred Freitas, Ted Gregory with Virginia Topping, FLEW OS MAINLAND Mr. Alves Mrs. Alves Viler Miss Avlm F.ll KOOetTS. Airs, sunn f.u- months on the mainland Pacific coast where she worked with officials of the Peggy Sage company in the sa- sistant chem it is bein trained in Miss Mary Lou Eidmari, Mrs.

Barton W''1" Vifiw j' IH xii oeiriK irainea (jj Juies Rombauer, Mr. and Mra. W. 3. incisco laboratory and Xr --n rant r.orpe i Rut.

Master G. B. Rust, to Honolulu early next I FriiLr Mrs. Maicolm E. Master M.

i 1 to nnnn par npvi the San Fra ...111 1 win in seni trances ue reuw ana otners. h. T. Miller material, company a ions ai IMS in at the navy yard. Pearl Harbor, i ane nnri sn The bovs will alwavs rpmrmhrr year to open the local Mrs.

Reo Edralin. Elder Abel John r.ruceJs1?!"5'v:lr8, "Irl' Mr. Alves said. He is accompanied Kktn Mrs. Johme Elliott.

Mrs. Mton MrTheehea. M-sOene Btch-by his wife. R. S.

Roderick. MaMei Donald Rod- Francisco. "I J. have brought Svdney Factor. Dr.

and Mrs. J. H. i Mrs- A.n" r-uiaoen. HOTEL MAN VISITS that Beta Sigma Phi outfit that just toured the place.

Some of them are still here. The wahines of this busi- n.s ness girls sorority were really out I nd Pleasure ion the mainland back several new r.rr.ii Mr Vi IT a v- I Kuueincn, mi isaoou nusscu. Wajne E. Scott, assistant manager Dr and Mrs. Alfred Fellows.

Miss S. M. Damon estate, dwer.mg ddl-tiori, 432 Kamchanseha IV road. SrSfl. ir-A liwi nisii Spter, 1141 Foil O.

K. Auld. d'ArSiir'nr. 302 HolUncer (KM) Risnnp e'tate. addition, Let N.

124 i 5 Mis. Jihscn addttian 117 AU-xumWr $1311. A. K. Jf.

uj'plemenary permit, 34. Ui V-la fl5. Dr. M. 17J4 Keeau-rrsoku S3 ii.

Takiuchl KamiWawa. dwelling, Mokauca 1 Mrs. Dh. Iriiri'. three Hate Opn.

Koichi tikatyio'ii. two dwelling', S11SB-PB Wioia M.toO. David S. Ndkano. ti altriation.

-2 Hardmc Mr. 'h VotiT, d-. 144r Kc.vrlo $100. ana interesting ideas which will of the Ambassador hotel in Los An Elizabeth Fellow. Mr.

M. A. Ford. Mr. and Mrs.

Wayne E. Scott. Robert Ao i where he visited geles, arrived with Mrs. Scott for a nine days visit. Both Mr.

and Mrs. the women of Irs- Alexander I San Franc isco, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.

Frear. Mr. and i L. Scott. Afine A.

Sharp. apt. John Mrs. W. H.

French, Miss Leta French, C. Simerson, Sister Mane Celine. Sister Frank Fromhertz, Mr. and Mrs. Rich-: Mary Hermina, Sister Mary Joseph, arrt TV Fullpr Mrs.

Fl. E. Fulsher. i Mrs. Catherine Sniith.

i uiv ua lung ci i cx in "getting their men." I can't say, but Cine of them said that after last i Seattle, Washing' i Hawaii through our dealers here, 1 Mrs. Alexander said upon her ar- jton, D. Ne ng- i few nd a rival. She was met off port by Mr. York, Boston purchased by Mrs.

Hanner in Alexander. 1 ne Anffftloc i year's trip four of the sisters found themselves set for retirement. Or did they get retirement. From what 1 saw it looked the other way i i 1 nv ii a i traveled the en- Mrs. June Faulkner, Miss Rena V.

Miss Helen Snyder. Mis Myrtie V. Ferrari Joseph Fette, Mrs. Mae D. Sooer, Mr.

and Mrs. Edmund F. Spel-t Fitzgerald. Mrs. Alice L.

Forbes. Miss lacy. Mr. and Mrs. W.

P. St. Clair, Mr. Alice Louella Forbes. Miss Audrey and Mrs.

William N. Stewart. Ethel Forbes. Miss Betty A. Forbes, Mrs.

A. F. Sabo. Mr and Mrs. W.

I Mrs. E. Fowler. Saffery. Emilio 5anrb.es.

Miss Credwyn i Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Garner.

A. C. C. Donald C. Seaion Ah Gibb, Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Gladwin, Knnp Scto, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.

Shaw, AUTO MAN HLKfc i tire distance on i. Rround! Mr. and Mrs. W. H.

rencn ana i V. nan toe mairiianu hi- Vhen Larry Wolfe was in the most exclusively ti 1 Mis Leta French, sister of Mr. French, arrived on their first trip for a one month visit here. Mr. hv air." Mr.

Mil Germany's destructive hoof-and-mouth difease epidemic is Icr said. "I'm Miller Miss Cora A. Goade. Delmer r. Greene.

Miss Josephine A. l-nreiey. ranK Mr. and Mrs. James Gray.

Mrs. Henrv i Soares. Miss Geraldinc H. Sole. Rev.

i French is vice president of Earle sure glad to be back in Honolulu, rv W. Grant, Henry S. Grossman, Mr. and and Mrs. R.

M. Squire. Mrs. Ruth I. inn, Capt.

Ernest Gilling owned the yacht in 193(5. when he disappeared from Hrnolulu harbor and turned up in the South Seas although his destination was Maui. When the schooner arrived at Honolulu last month from Panama, reporters learned that romance had been added to the yacht's log, Mrs. Hanner was Mrs. RF.

Rhodes when she bought the boat from Capt. Gilling and hired Capt. Hanner to run the ship. Love blossomed and she and Capt. Hanner were married.

Slfiner. Miss Geneva S'eirer. D. T. he added.

Mrs. Charlton Gunter. hospital he composed a poem which he would read to his visitors as soon they would enter his hospital room. This latest of the Wolfe epics covered every question the visitor could possibly ask concerning Larry's hospitalization. was a honey! Incidentally the Fred Wolfes came home today after being away for the summer.

Bob and Nicey (Smith) Hinckley 21 are now back in Long Beach, Cal. where Bob is stationed with the fleet. Ll. Mr. Scott Mrs, Scott OEIiTALS SALES APARTMENTS HOMES WAIKIKI SAM VAN CUL1N REALTOR (Opposite Royal Hawaiian Hotel) 2246 Kalckaua Are.

Coll 9991 This oast week it has been a i hustle and an extra bustle for Stickle. Miss Svlvia Stroble, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stroven. Miss Mary Elizabeth Stroven.

Mrs. S. Miss Louise Sasia. Mrs. J.

G. Telxeira. John TeWelra. Mrs. W.

S. Terry. Dr. K. H.

Terts. Mrs. Alice P. Trimble. Mrs.

Madeline Turner. Mrs. Sewall Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Howard E.

Tuttle. Albert S. Tanouye. Mrs. Roland Taylor.

Edward Teves, Peter Tevs. Jess Texeira Jr Mr. and Mrs. E. S.

Thomas, Mrs. Thorsen. Rictisrd L. Tiernan. Mrs.

Hclene L. Troiel Miss Jean Edna Troiel. Mrs. Frances Gill. J.

J. Gmeiner, Miss Thelma Gonsalves. Neit Chin Goo. Dr. Faith F.

Gordon, Master Herbert F. Gordon, Miss M. Greene. Miss Charlotte Hall. J.

R. Hanna, Mrs. Hans H. Harders, Miss Alice Harders, Master Theodore Harders. A.

L. Harris, Mrs. Cora L. Harrison, Mrs. Allen Harwell, Keith Harworth.

Mrs. A. F. Hastings. Miss Joan Hebert.

Mrs. Wrilliam C. Hobdy, Mrs. Sue Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs.

Frederick C. Hotaling, Mr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Howe, Mr.

and Mrs. H. M. Howlett. Mrs.

W. R. Hadley, Miss Marv June Hadley. Master William R. Hadley Master Alan J.

Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Jack names to look up in Manila by the Scott are comebaekers of kamaaina standing. Mrs.

Scott has been here seven times and Mr. Scott can't remember how many times he has visited Hawaii. They are staying at the Royal Hawaiian hotel. A new German air service has been inaugurated between Berlin and Thai. TOURISTS! The best exclusively Hawaiian made curios, lauhala weaving, wood carv-inga and pikake shell leis, -ara aold at tha Hawaiian Souvenir Shop Branch of Hale Hoomaha Phone 65843 1100 S.

King St. Mrs. Norman D. Unger. Miss Norma Mrs.

French Mr. French Hall, James Hall, Carl Hanccy. John Lee Unser. ATTENDED COP SCHOOL Capt. Dewey O.

Mookini of the Honolulu police department returned on the same ship with t--. his wife and their son, William. The captain went to Passengers on S. S. Lurline Choose your baggage man as you would your lawyer, and tve your business to the oldest established company in Honolulu.

CITY TIIA.VSIOI CO.IIPA.W Pier No. 11 (Fort Street) Phones: 1281 3579 Harris Dr. Homer Haves, Mrs. C. Mrs.

Helen Underwood. V. Henslev. Elder Samuel W. Hilton.

I Kong Ho. "Mrs. Mary Hoffman. Miss Mrs. Alice Ventura.

Master Melvin Sonya Fay Hoffman. Master John J. Ventura. Hoffman Mr, and Mrs. Herbert! Hoo, Mrs.

Ella Hooker. Charles Hoo-! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Waal, Paul pai, Mr. and Mrs.

Bernhard L. Hor-! Wasoncr, Mr. and Mrs. Gmrpt Walker, mann. Miss Svlvia llormann.

Mrs. i O. L. Wall. Mrs.

Thomas Waters. Miss A boys in the squadron of navy patrol bombers being sent to Cavite, P. I. It is new territory and there must be some new names. However, the boys are in for a little setback.

There are some new names but not any too many. The kanes outnumber the wahines about 20 to 1. It certainly won't be like Honolulu with figures like that. It looks as if the boys will be in for some fast competition. However, in compensation It might be said that the table bobbing in Manila is very good, and there are those tourist boats.

It is a finely developed art. the handling of the comely ones off the overnight boats by the gay blades of the southern archipelago. The Honolulu aloha committeemen might learn a few new ones in this department which has been a rt Ohio, where he I attended a two George G. Hubbard, Mrs. Eva Hunt, i Eileen Waters.

Miss waters. Master Thomas Waters Mr. and Elder Mar Dale Hutchiris. C. Anthony, southern California distributor for Packard motor cars.

The party was met at the dock by M. E. McKenney. manager of the automobile department of the von Hamm-Young Co, Ltd. Miss French was abcnt when the picture was taken.

They are staying at the Halekulani hotel. COSMETIC FIRM OFFICIALS Julius Factor, son of the late Max Factor of Hollywood, and Jack B. Mier, foreign trade division manager of Max Factor. arrived for a three weeks visit in Honolulu. They are guests at the Moana hotel.

GIFTS FOR MAILING weeks firearms course for policemen. After the school, he visited New York City. The i i Mrs. Spencer F. Weaver Mrs.

Ixiuise Weeks. Miss Lorraine Weeks. Harry C. Wells. Mrs.

John West wood. Miss-'Barbara Westwood. Mis Vlreima Westwood. Carl Winbere. W.

G. Wilson, Mrs. Jessie S. Wilson. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred R. Wolfe. John Wolfe. Dr.

and Mrs. John A. Wolfer. Miss Dorothy J. I Wiliam II Isbell.

Miss Ethel Jackson. Mrs. C. H. Harold P.

Johnson. Miss PecE.v Johnson, Mrs. Elda S. Johnston. Mrs.

C. R. Jardirt, Albert Jardin. Miss Helen Jardin, Miss Eleanor H. Jenkins, Slack Suits Swim Suits $1.95 $1.29 were gone six Sport Shirts 59c-99c HAWAIIAN JAMS JELLIES KONA COFFEE COCONUT CANDY Salted tyiacadamia Huts Order today for Friday's soiling Mr.

and Mrs. A. K. Jim. Mr.

and Mrs. Woods, Mr. and Orrin Wricht weeks. He is the organizer of the CaPl- Mookini local police pistol team. Miss LaVerne Cecelia Wade, Mrs.

R. Stephen B. Jones, Master Dougla3 Jones. rather neglected here of late. It's a D.

Walton. Miss Irene Marcaret Walton, Marjorie Weber. Mr. Frank 1 I Via CBSpper Special close out prices on many items. 20 discount on jewelry and gift ware.

Benny's at Waikiki OPEN EVENINGS 2432 Kalakaua Ave. C. J. BAY grand Held too! Don't be sxirprised if a certain young Honolulu fellow who will be leaving soon for the mainland returns with the girl he had been running around with for the past six months. She left about a month ago! Mrs.

Fred H. Kanne. Mrs. Herman M. Weir.

Miss Zella Willard. Mis OTa Katten, Pat Kauffman. Mr. and Mrs. V.

Winward. Mr. and Mrs. Girard C. David Kaufman.

William F. Keiek. Mrs. i Wise, Henry A. Witsch, Harry Witter, Lugerna V.

Kierulff. Charles C. Kine. i Miss Marian Wolff. Miss Dorothy J.

King, Capt. Oliver H. Kupau. I Mrs. Helen W.

Young Mrs. H. M. T. K.

Kai. Thompson K. Kaiapoe- YuU. poe. Miss Margaret Kav, Miss Florence K.

Kienzle. Katsaburo Rimura, Mrs. B. Mr. and Mrs.

J. G. Zabriskie. O. Krusell.

i TELEPHONE 3411 FORT ST. HONOLULU. X. IL Consult Kenneth Day ft 1 "A 1 i itjt Mr. Mier Mr.

Factor A Vacation Excursion Yoivll Never Forget SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 20. Eight passengers were booked to depart from Treasure Island airport this afternoon by Pan American clipper for Honolulu and the Orient. Passengers for Hongkong were Alfred Holt of Calcutta, T.

P. Hou of Hongkong and Theodore F. Randolph of New York. Jan Marsman of Manila, Clarence Ruzicka of Berkeley, Walter Weinzheimer of Manila and Jo-hann Wilbarth of Manila were passengers for Manila. Lonam Clingan of Oklahoma City held a ticket for Honolulu en route to Singapore, where he is to be married.

SPECIAL SUMMER VACATION RATES Honolulu people! Enjoy a vocation at The Volcano! 1 This is the first visit here lor both. They were met off port by Marie V. Weber, representative in Hawaii for the same firm. Mr. Factor and Mr.

Mier are here on combined business and pleasure and expect to visit some of the outside islands during' their stay. ZABRISKIES RETURN J. G. Zabriskie. manager of the Union Oil Co.

here, returned with Mrs. Zabriskie from a two months 0-Bay AII-Exps ur a ilm island 11 On PER WEEK C3avaIS spent much of their time in the Say "Waikiki" on the mainland --or in a foreign country and you conjure a vision of blue tropical seas, fascinating maidens, soft music, moonlight and romance. Say "Waikiki" to a person whose home is in the beachland and you mean a city within a city a residential paradise a thriving business section. Both are true for back of Waikiki's gay tropical playground is a modern city whose merchants cater to your needs completely and in a spirit of service. i Miss Wildcman To Teach at YWCA French and Spanish classes will be offered at the YWTCA Thursday evenings starting September 2 with Miss Margaret Wiedeman as 'instructor.

Miss Wiedeman Is an exceptional linguist who has a rich background of experience. She has a speaking and writing ability in several languages gained from study and practical experience in governmental employ on continental Europe. She has added to her ability through study at the University of Hawaii during her residence on the island. The course in Spanish and French are practical. The student receives careful instruction in pronunciation and grammatical construction for use In everyday conversation.

Mrs. Patrick Brown Home for Long Visit A Ni w. s- K. ALL MEALS INCLUDED vegetables fresh from eur mountain garden. Th world's mcst unusual vacation headquarters! Hiking around Ki'aueo Cratet Park Service Rangers will cuide you to scores of points of interest Golfing Riding Wild Berry Picking Bird Park! Steamer fcr.

Henolulu-Hilo, round trip, minimum. $23. Transportation Hlla to Volcano, 6. Total minimum cost, one wsek. $54, Including c'l exoerses.

IlUauca HOUSE Hawaii Motional Pork Island of Hawaii Blr. Zabriskie Mrs. Zabriskie Pacific northwest enjoying the fishing for which that part of the country is famous. Mr. Zabriskie conferred with executives of his ALL-INCLUSIVE company at ixs Angeies.

ine Lavs Friday, Spttmber 22ni, at 4 p. and Raturn to Honolulu on Mondoy, October 2nd, at 7 a. m. Friends of Mrs. Pat Brown (Mar- couple was met ofr port Dy a.

Connell, assistant district manager for the company. ON BUSINESS TRIP Elvon Musick. president of the Pineapple Producers Cooperative association, arrived for what he described as a "routine business trip. He declined to discus business conditions because of the unsettled situation created by the European war. He will be here two or three weeks.

garet Kamm will be interested to learn that she has returned to Ho- nolulu for a visit. Her husband will arrive in three weeks on the Lur- line. i Mrs. Brown will be remembered as the talented young actress who; appeared in many Chir.f-e. and uni- versity plays in Honolulu.


Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.